Chapter 58: Moving On For The Better

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Rachel's POV

"Senator Jennifer Abner's minimum wage bill passes in a historic vote. The bill will raise the California state minimum wage for the next 4 years. Each year wages will  gradually increase by $2. This is huge for every day workers.  As you can see from behind me, there are many people celebrating this remarkable news."

Mia turns off the tv as everyone stands around clapping and congratulating Jennifer on getting the job done.

She coyly looks around the room seeing everyone praise her. "Thank you. All of you. I honestly could not have done this with out. We celebrate today, but tomorrow it's back to work as this is only the tip of the ice berg. There's still more that needs to be done."

She meets eyes with me before exiting the room and gives me a small smile. If you were to tell me years ago that I  would be working for Senator Abner, celebrating her passing a bill that helps people not in the 1%, and also having an intimate relationship with her I would call you a fucking liar and say you need help. But all of this is currently happening and I couldn't be happier. It's surreal how things change so fast.

When everyone clears the room Mia gathers me and the rest of the interns to give us our next assignment. "Ok, there is another Town Hall meeting coming up. You know the routine. We needs flyers, merch, the whole nine. Hopefully no one will try anything funny this time", she says looking at me. "Get to work."

I head to the supply closet to retrieve some merchandise boxes. "Oh sorry",  Avery says bumping into me.

"It's ok."

She gives me a slight smile and looks down.

"How have you been?", I ask.

"Ok and you?"

"Good", I respond making her give me a disappointing stare.

To break the silence I quickly change the subject, "So you and Nina seem pretty close." Probably not the best topic either, but as we all know at times I'm not the most logical thinker.

"We're just friends Rach."

"And are we?....Friends that is."

She looks me in the eyes and then looks down like she wants to say something. "Excuse me", she says picking up a box a leaving me standing there.

I drop the boxes off at our usual assembly room, and I notice Nina rubbing Avery's back like she's consoling her. I look over at Jacob who is shamefully hanging out the door flirting with a senior staffer.

"Yeah. Me and my family take trips out there all the time. Let me know when you're out there and maybe we can meet up", he says fiddling with the tooth pick in his mouth.

I shake my head at all the non sense that surrounds me and I decide to visit Jenn.

"Hey Mia, Is Senator Abner in?"

"Rachel you sure do come by here often for someone who can't the Senator, or me for that matter."

I freeze, have I become that obvious?

"How's that saying go? Keep your friends close and your evil employer closer?"

She rolls her eyes. "Senator Abner is in her office, but I'm sure she doesn't want to be disturbed by you."

"Can you check?"

Instead of getting up she puts the phone on speaker and calls Jenn's extension. "Hi Senator, I have Rachel standing in my office bugging me about meeting with you. Are you available?"

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