Chapter 17: Things Aren't Always What They Seem

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Senator Abner's POV

"Good morning Mia."

"Good Morning Senator. Wow love your heels!"

"Thank you. What do I have on my schedule today?", I ask as I flip through my mail.

"A meeting at 11, and you said you would visit your San Diego office. Nothing too crazy."

"Excellent. Thanks Mia."

I retreat to my office to get settled in for the day when I notice a letter from my Alma mater.

"The Honorable Senator Abner,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to speak at our annual diversity panel. It is a chance to engage with individuals from many walks of life..."

Hmm this may be one of the invitations I actually accept. As you can imagine I receive several hundreds a month and I can't always attend. However when it comes to the college that made me what I am today I try my best to fit it into my hectic schedule.

I put the invitation in my attend pile so that Mia can RSVP and make arrangements. I turn on some music and shortly after hear a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opens and it's certainly not the person I was expecting to see.

"Hi senator can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Sure Rachel, come on in", I gesture for her to take a seat. "How did you get past Mia?"

"I've kind of been waiting until she got up from her desk. I had a feeling she wouldn't allow me to speak with you", she says trying to tread lightly.

I nod my head, "accurate assessment."

She points at my computer and I see her face light up, "Hall and Oates?...too bad it's Kiss on My List."

I furrow my eyebrow, "You're a Hall and Oates fan?"

"Yes, they're my favorite duo. Why do you look so shocked?"

I shake my head, "I would just not expect that."

She looks at me and tilts her head,"Why because I'm black?"

Fuck. I didn't mean to offend her. That's not what I meant. We were having a pleasant conversation for once.

I put up my hands in defense, "No that's not what I meant", I manage to get out between stutters.

I look at her and she's laughing at me. "I'm just kidding."

I sigh, "Very funny. No I meant your age. I don't see a lot of people your age listening to anything outside of rap and pop."

"Well I'm not most people my age", she says in her cocky bearing that I've become accustomed to. "I listen to every genere. Music is kind of my getaway."

We have that in common. Music has gotten me through some of my toughest times. It's something about listening to a song and relating to the lyrics, feeling the beat, and connecting to it. Music is timeless.

"Yeah, so what's your top 3 Hall and Oates songs?", I question.

"One on One, I Can't Go for That, and of course You Make My Dreams Come True", she replies looking satisfied with her answers.

I smile,"ok not bad for a millennial."

I catch myself and stop smiling. I haven't forgotten all the malicious things she's said and done. Why should I be nice to the girl that has given me no reason to be polite to her?

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