Ghost Village 2

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Just as the rumors they have heard, there is not a single living soul roaming around outside the safety of their home. Little by little, both groups start to see transparent soul forms walking, running, sitting, chatting in small groups yet not speaking a single word. Their actions were like any living person, but they are not living anymore. The village that was populated with humans during the day is now populated with wondering ghosts.

Some would glance over to the humans who dare to walk around during their time, some would snarl with disgust, and some would try to interact with them like a human.

And like Lin Jing stated earlier during the day, none of the souls try to attack them or hurt them, even the ones that snarl at humans with disgust.

To Lin, Zhu and Guo relief, no ghost tries to attach themselves with their group, but the other group can't say they have the same pleasure....


Searching Group [Lin, Zhu, and Guo]

"Hey, have you notice something different about that wondering soul over there?" Zhu Hong asks while pointing her finger at a male wondering soul in some tribal clothing.

"What is so different about him? Didn't we pass by depressed soul along the way?" Lin Jing asks.

To him, every wondering soul feels the same. Although Zhu Hong caught her interest in this particular one, she also doesn't have the ability that senses her bond with her fellow guardians like herself.

The only individuals who possess this ability are Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan who are the masters of them, and little Guo. Guo Changcheng can sense their auras because his ability is sensing living things through their soul energies; and although wondering souls is nonliving and in different dimension from the living world yet coexisting with humans, they were once a living being too, so they still have some remaining living essence around them.

This is another reason why Guo is grouped with Zhu and Lin at the beginning beside the fact that Shen Wei is too worried about his Ah Lan to leave him alone; punishment or not.

"Wait! Isn't that soul the one we are looking for?" Guo Changcheng asks happily since they find their target so easily and fast.

"Are you sure?" Lin Jing asks, while giving another assessing look at the said soul.

"Yes!" Guo Changcheng confirms.

"Well, then what are we waiting for? Get him and bring him back so I can sleep with my mate!" Zhu Hong says right before she starts marching toward the soul.

However, something is not right... The Ghost Village right now is filled with wondering souls, true.... They take on various deformed forms fitting to dying in war casualties. And they seem to be doing things among themselves like living, perhaps imprinting habits when they were alive.

Yet in contrast, if someone takes a good look at their souls, you could see sadness, loss and feeling of hopelessness. They are just mindlessly wondering about themselves like they are in trends. Maybe pretending to be who they were before they died helps their mind from going crazy.

But this particular soul is not in trend like others. The soul looks like his sense of rationality is still intact. What's more is that the soul's sole attention is in one direction only and he is trying desperately to walk towards that direction but for some unknown reason, the soul doesn't seem to be able to move that direction.

He looks angry, upset and desperate to go but he can't. But to Zhu, Lin or Guo, there is nothing blocking the soul's pathway to go the direction he is glaring at.

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