Doppelganger 2

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Shadow world people's name will be bold.
Light world people's name will be not bolded.


"... Well, that's more reaction than I had expected to receive." Yezun dumbfoundedly says.

"I thought you said you tried to speak with him before and didn't get any response?" Da Quing asks, someone is feeling jealous....

"What differences will it make between me and my didi asking?" Yezun reasons offendedly and Da Quing has to bite his tongue from pointing out how different they both are except their faces.


"So, are you going to ask him anything or just going to stare a hole into his body?" Chief Zhao asks.

"Oh please, mangos are not my type of appetizer~~" Yezun coolly replies.

"Gege... I think you are getting off track" Shen Wei reminds kindly.

After clearing his throat, Yezun asks.

"So... what is yours and your partner's name?"

"Zhao Yunlan and he is Shen Wei." Zhao Yunlan answers honestly.

"Of course, you just had to have same name..." Yezun said while rolling his eyes.

"Okay, Zhao Yunlan. I'm Yezun and let's get along better than this mango face" Yezun said smiling while pointing accusing finger at Zhao Yunlan.

"Hey!" Zhao Yunlan protests.

"Anyway, who are you guys? Why do you look like us? And why is Shen Wei still fainted?"

"We come from somewhere far away... to save my Xiao Wei from dying" Zhao Yunlan replies sadly making others shock.

"What!? Then what are you doing by chitchatting with me when we should be taking him to hospital, Idiot?!" Yezun shouts, making Zhao Yunlan surprised.

"What is hospital?" Zhao Yunlan innocently asks.

"Place where doctor cure or at least help people who are sick, injured or in need of help medically." Shen Wei explains this time because Yezun is still stupefied.

"Oh... those doctors. I don't think it will help him. He is under curse that killing him slowly. I don't believe doctors can do much if they are human." Zhao Yunlan answers while sighing.

"What does that mean if they are human? Aren't you guys also human?" Zhao Yunlan scrutinizes.

"....." No Comment is given to Zhao Yunlan's question but Zhao Yunlan's sober expression that staring at him replies just the same for others to understand.

"Where did you really come from or rather, why did you guys come to us? It's clear as day that both of you came to us intentionally." Da Quing questions.

"As I said, we came here to save my Shen Wei from his death. For your question, we did not intentionally come to you guys. I'm actually surprised too at the beginning. I wasn't even sure where we would be landing in this world nor that we have another self of ourselves." Zhao Yunlan explains.

"You sure did not express what you are saying now..." Yezun mumbles to himself recalling his first interaction with him.

"Okay, assuming what you said is true, how will you, bringing Shen Wei here will stop him from dying? And are you sure that doctors here cannot help him?" Shen Wei questions while glancing at unconscious Shen Wei on the couch.

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