Ingredients 5

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Parallel World: Kunlan Mountain

"I know! Stop shaking me!" Chu irritatingly answers.

"We passed your test. Can we get what we came to get?" Chu asks Phoenix while shoving happy clingy Guo away from him, yet half-heartily.

"I keep my word. One of you step up and collect the water from my pond." Phoenix responds.

"From your pond? Isn't pure water supposed to come from the river?" Guo questions.

"This pond is directly connected to the river. Nobody is allowed inside the river." Phoenix states.

"Guo, go fill up the crystal jar leader has given you." Chu prompts and Guo happily agree.

"Now you may leave my domain. Whether purity remains effective, it is your problem. From the look of it, you are already aware of that." Phoenix said while eyeing Guo who happily secure the small crystal jar protectively.

"Yes, we are aware of that. Thank you again for your generous help. We will never forget it." Chu sincerely said while kowtowing and Guo follows his lead and did the same toward the mystic phoenix guardian.

"Now, Leave." Phoenix demands and both Guo and Chu find themselves back to where they were resting atop of Kunlan mountain and Ice Forest is nowhere to be seen.

"Let's go back Guo." Chu said, and without a word he mummified poor Guo again and let his thread carry him down the mountain.

Guo didn't mind at all and kind of feels secure too because he doesn't trust himself to not trip and fall, which might spill the pure water.


Haixing: Outside Timeless Forest

"Darling! Darling!?" Demon Queen calls while tapping Lin Jing cheeks who is currently unconscious.

When Zhu Hong couldn't find Lin Jing anywhere after defeating Kun Peng, she started to panic. Luckily, she saw a blue-blackish glow on the bottom of the waterfall which came from the Forgetful Lily. She had dived in and rescued both the flower and drowning Lin Jing and teleported out of the Timeless Forest. Sadly, she doesn't have enough power left to directly teleport them to Da Qing's house. The farthest her remaining power could teleport them is outside the forest.

Zhu Hong starts to worry when Lin Jing is not breathing at all.

"Darling? Lin Jing?!" while pounding onto Lin Jing chest hardily causing Lin Jing to wake up.

*Choking sound and vomiting*

"Darling!" Zhu Hong helps Lin throw out water but Lin Jing faints afterward, but at least he is breathing now.

"Hey, don't faint on me again! Damn it...I don't have enough energy to carry him either " Zhu Hong frustratingly said, feeling warned out.

While gazing the flower "This better work or I will bloody murder that cursed fox!"


Parallel World: Dragon City

Wang Zheng? Can you hear me? Zhao Yunlan telepaths while meditating.


Wang... can you hear me? Zhao Yunlan tries again but still he couldn't reach her. Since Zhao Yunlan has been trying to connect with anyone before, he thought of trying to connect with one single person, perhaps that will make the connection stronger and be able to reach the other recipient.

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