Danger Lurking Around the Corner

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As much as both Yezun and Chu want the meaning behind the script to be different, it wasn't. Either Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei find this miracle or face a tragic end.

All three adults don't have the heart to break the news to the couple and alternately decided not to, all together. Chu is not happy, but he understands where Da Qing's point is coming from. There is no point worrying about fixed end preferable to enjoying what they can happily until the end itself.

Yezun didn't offer his opinion on this matter as his heart can't decide what is the best choice. He did however already have assigned some of his trusted men to dig out more information relating to the script for better understanding.

His order was clear, "Dig out anything you can find regarding the script. When it seems impossible make it possible. Failure is not an option."

"Yes, my lord!" his men bow before leaving.


The following day is a nice sunny day without overbearing heat beating on people's heads. Furthermore, wind carries out chilling air throughout the Haixing Village that even Zhu Hong find the crowded market bearable.

Lin Jing and Zhu Hong were assigned for grocery shopping in the market. The trip to the market should have been a little alone time together but it turned out to be a disaster sooner than they would care to mention.

They were just shopping on one of the stalls when two huge men suddenly intercepted their path.

"Come with us." One of the guys with a scar on his face demands.

"And who are you to demand us?" Zhu Hong irritably retorts back.

"Come with us peacefully or suffer the consequence." The second guy commands.

"How about NO." Zhu Hong hisses and Lin Jing notices that her anger is cracking her human disguise.

"Darling~ Why don't we talk with less people around?" Lin Jing interferes receiving smirks from the two men.

"Bu-" Zhu Hong is about to protest but Lin Jing signal secretly that he has plan, so she reluctantly follows their demanders.

When they are decently far from the populated area, Lin Jing asks "Who are you guys and what do you want from us?"

"Tengu and we want you to lead us to your leader." They demand that while one draws long spear with hooks at the tips that could rip flash within a second if it makes any sort of contact with flush and the second one draws his long blade which oozes with poison.

"And who is this supposed to be leader of ours?" Lin Jing asks while drawing his own long Gun to defend themselves. Demon Queen just stays behind Lin Jing and observes. It is a pleasant surprise how Lin Jing subconsciously tries to shield her from their enemy even knowing full well her capabilities in fights.

"Don't play dumb. We know everyone in your group! Now, tell us where Lord Envoy's offspring is hiding!"

Shen Wei....

"Envoy? Who is Envoy?" Ling Jing confusedly asks.

"Stop messing around with us!" The scar-faced tengu refutes while swinging his poisonous blade at him.

"Don't you dare touch what's mine!" Zhu Hong growls while intercepting scar-faced attacks.

Seeing the fight break out, the other tengu tries to help his partner against demon queen but Lin Jing sees it before he succeeds.

"Now now, fellow! That's not nice to gang up on a woman like that, tsk tsk." Lin Jing scolds while easily disarming the poisonous blade with his Gun. Lin Jing's weapon length helps him avoid getting the poisonous blade near his personal space.

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