Ghost Village 1

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The rest of the ride on the train went smoothly, although they still got a couple of stares from time to time.

Little Angel had to stay like a child the entire time to avoid any suspicion from others towards their group while little devil remains invincible as planned from the beginning.

After a couple hours of the train ride, they finally reached Ghost Village, the last stop of the train.

"Ah Lan." Shen Wei calls out.

"Hmm?" Yunlan replies.

"Do you know why this village is called Ghost Village?" Shen Wei curiously asks.

"I'm not certain, but I had heard rumors that at night, this village is heavily hunted by wondering lost souls from last civil war. Therefore, all the villagers work and do everything before sunset and start their day after sunset. When the sun is set at late evening, no villagers come out from their house.

"Hmm. Interesting. So, are we looking for wondering soul or human?" Shen Wei asks back.

"Wondering soul, Wei Ge. You might already have realized, everyone in our group, none of us is normal human being." Guo Changcheng reminds Shen Wei.

"Hmm... Say, have any one of you met with wondering ghost before?" Shen Wei asks with a smirk, but nobody notices it and just answers the question.

"Not really... I have met with vicious ghost before like that faceless woman inside my forest but not wondering soul." Zhu Hong honestly replies.

"Hmmm..." Shen Wei hums,

"I only met with that faceless ghost with you inside the forest, Xiao Wei." Yunlan answers next.

"I'm afraid... I haven't met one personally either." Guo Changcheng adds.

"I have! Wondering souls are not as vicious as the ones inside the forest. They are lost souls that couldn't enter reincarnation cycle after their dead, so their remaining soul left wondering the earth, which become wondering soul. They like to play and scare people, but they won't take it too far to threaten one's life. And they like to stalk people if they like you. It's more of a bothersome thing than troublesome thing" Lin Jing explains.

"Then ghost followed you around before since you are so well informed about them?" Shen Wei asks, more out of curiosity than anything.

"Not personally, but a close friend of mine. He had to get the ghost exercise to get rid of it." Lin Jing continues.

"So, we have method to get rid of it?" Shen Wei wonders happily.

"Yes, monks from temple! I know some if we experience similar issue, but I doubt we will have too since we have power to attack them."

"Do we now... Very intriguing... won't you say my dear child and husband?" Shen Wei merely asks while looking at two troublemakers innocently.

"Er... Xiao Wei. Why are you suddenly showing interest in ghosts?" Yunlan asks warily.

"Oh! No reason! Just the name of the village that interests me is all!" Shen Wei said, looking more energized than the entire day he has been.

"Wei Ge... are planning on getting back on them for the trouble they caused inside the train earlier today?" Guo whispers to Shen Wei.

"Hmmm... they need to learn that table can turn back on them anytime." Wei whispers back.

"Right, how did I forget that my Wei Ge like to cause trouble too?" Guo Changcheng mumbles back while shaking his head.


Mohavea Confertiflora Inn [Ghost Flower Inn]

When they reach their destination, they book five rooms, one for each. Of course, the two people weren't happy because they wanted to share with their pair.

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