Enchanted Forest: Timeless Forest 1

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Zhao Yunlan can summon dove to send message; like he had been communicating with Guo and others. If he does that now, it will reveal that he has power. Zhao Yunlan needs to find something to distract his Xiao Wei with so he could do it.

"Er.. Xiao Wei, since we both don't have sharp object to carve the message on tree near the entrance, why don't we find something sharp?" Yunlan recommended it and Shen Wei gave him a bright smile before walking around to find something sharp.

When Shen Wei leaves to find a sharp object, Zhao Yunlan quickly summons his dove and sends it flying to Da Quing for help. Afterward, he helps Shen Wei find sharp rock to write the message with.

"There! That should be enough to tell them." Shen Wei proudly said at his handy work making Zhao Yunlan giggle at cute Wei. Yunlan can already imagine others rolling their eyes when they see the note. Unbeknownst to him, others will not have time to roll their eyes.

"Shall we?" Zhao Yunlan prompts and Shen Wei nods before entering the Enchanted Forest.

"Xiao Wei, let's hold onto each other so we don't get separate from each other." Yunlan requests while intertwining their fingers together.

Shen Wei shyly nods while blushing, making Zhao Yunlan laughs at him.

"Hahaaha, Xiao Wei. Why are you shy now when you devoured me not long ago?" Yunlan teases, making Shen Wei turn red.

Shen Wei would of apologize for his action but after how Zhao Yunlan responded to his kisses, he is not going to apologize for something they both enjoyed.

Why would you when it proves their undying love for one another?

"Said the person who also response with equal hunger." Shen Wei mumbles but he knows that he said it loud enough for him to hear. He feels smug when Zhao Yunlan's reaction to his reply is to be stunned and embarrassed.

"I can't believe my Xiao Wei is becoming really bold..." Zhao Yunlan chide without heat making Shen Wei give him an embarrassed smile while ducking his head.


Entrance of Enchanted Forest

At the beginning, the entrance inside Enchanted Forest looks normal. Tall trees surrounding everywhere, many types of wild small plants and tall grass obscuring the path, but the forest inside is unusually dark making it difficult to see more than few meters ahead of them.

"That's weird... wasn't sunset still out when we entered, Wei?" Yunlan asks curiously.

"Yes. Maybe the tall trees are blocking the sunlight?" Shen Wei said but he himself is having hard time believing what he is saying.

The atmosphere is screaming uneasiness from all directions, but they can't back down now, after all Lin Jing still needs to be rescued.

"Wei ah Wei. You don't need to think too hard to make sense. This world is full of mysteries and I'm pretty sure this is just one of them." Yunlan tries to reassure worried Shen Wei.

"Mystery or not, we still need to find Lin." Shen Wei said but Yunlan notices that Shen Wei's shoulders are stiff, and his beautiful black eyebrows are frowning but still he looks so beautiful.

"Hey, Weiwei. Stop frowning like that. I'm here with you." Zhao Yunlan soothe while rubbing his thump over Wei's forehead with his palm over his cheek, lovingly making Shen Wei unconsciously lean into Yunlan's hand on cheek making him relax

"Okay, Ah Lan. Let's go find him before it's too late."

"Of course, Xiao Wei. Anything to make you feel happy." Yunlan sweetly mumbles and gave a quick peck on Wei's forehead, making Shen Wei feel less tense.

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