Fertility's Excitement and Nervousness

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"I am done with relying on these useless things! It seems like I have to do everything myself around here!" Archangel shouts in anger in his palace before disappearing into black mist.

"This is bad, this is bad!" An unknown angel panics before flying to his companions.

Within half an hour, the bad news was telepathed to their two companions who are in their mission to find their reincarnated Archangel.

"Yeah, this bad news alright. We must move faster. If he is hunting himself now, I don't doubt that it won't take him long to find them." the angel who sensed Kunlan's energy before said, grimacingly.

"No doubt. I really hope this is the place where Kunlan is residing" the angel's companion hopes while gazing at Kunlan's Mountain. They finally arrived at their destination.

"Let's get to work then." The angel said before they both start climbing the mountain. They decided to be safe than sorry by avoiding using their power to conceal their presents from others. They are more worried about their enemy than others. The trail will take them a good week to reach the top of the mountain.


A Week Later

"Weiwei, how are you feeling?" Yunlan softly asks.

"Nervous." Shen Wei replies while gripping Yunlan's hand tightly.

"You know that I would not have agreed if I felt you are not safe, right?" Yunlan soothingly asks.

".... Hmm" Shen Wei expression said it all what he needs to say. He believes in Ah Lan but is also scared, nonetheless.

"Beloved, listen to me carefully. You are in good hands who can help you through this. Believe me that I am scared as much as you are, but I choose to see the bright side of this. I choose to see you successfully delivering our sunshine into this world. I choose to face this with the hope of seeing you tearing with happiness when you first carry our baby in your arms. I choose to place my trust to our youngest-yet-oldest (chuckle sounds) guardian to see this through successfully, seeing that only she has our answers to unanswered questions thus far with confidences." Zhao Yunlan is already tearing up while saying all these and Shen Wei is already sobbing into Yunlan's tight embrace.

Others decided to give privacy to the couple before they start assisting with the procedure. To say that both little angel and little devil are not faring well is an understatement. Both are buzzing with anxious energies and their master's additional energies just expediting it further.


After passing the Phoenix's test, Li Qian was allowed the passage to enter the Ice Forest. Li Qian explains what happened to her as she told how she met with GhostFace and his lieutenant (Da Qing). Both the little angel and Zhao Yunlan had a good laugh when she got to the part where she basically manipulated their enemies effortlessly.

"I believe that all of you have questions for me, regarding Master Shen Wei's condition?" Li Qian asked after everything was cleared. The fun atmosphere turns somber suddenly.

"If you know that much already, I assume you have answers?" Zhao Yunlan asks seriously while Shen Wei instinctively rubs his flat stomach.

"Yes, and I also know how to deliver it. But first, I need to check how long before its appropriate to do the procedure." Li Qian states making others release sigh of relief that they didn't know they were holding.

"What do you need me to do, Xiao Qian?" Shen Wei nervously asks but Li Qian ends up flushing with her nickname.

"Er.... I need to check your fertility blossom. It should be located around your stomach." Li Qian shyly said, still embarrassed.

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