New Potential Lead

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Chu's Classroom

"So, how should I torment you~? Any ideas?" GhostFace teasingly asks two quivering and wounded Tengu.

"Hey now... I heard you guys were quite mouthy in the market, why so quiet now?" GhostFace purrs yet his eyes are death cold that promises danger if he doesn't get reply soon. It's amazing how he can ooze his feelings even wearing his golden mask.

"Pl..please spear us, Leader!" Zhujiu, the scar-faced tengu, begs.

"And why should I?" GhostFace demands, unimpressed by such display.

Seriously these idiots. They don't think of consequences before scheming, Yezun can't help but roll his eyes at the thought.

"P-please, leader! Spear our lives and we will answer everything you want to know-!" Zhujiu pleads.

That statement makes Yezun stop and think for a few minutes whether to waste his time on these lowly beasts or just get it over with it now and be done with it. However, remembering his beloved nephew suffering and their unknown faith makes Yezun second guess his first attempt.

"What can you possibly offer to change my mind from killing you guys now?" GhostFace implores.

"Please hear us out first! Maybe we have information that you might need. You got nothing to lose from hearing out first!" Zhujiu explains.

"..... Then start talking before I change my mind" Yezun retorts while sitting on the teacher's chair like a king.

"Y-yes! What would the leader like to know?" The second tengu who remained quiet, speaks up.

"Don't you think it's obvious what I want to know" Yezun retorts back making both tengu move couple steps back away from Yezun who is getting irritated by seconds.

"We beg for your forgiveness, leader! We really don't know what you desire to know from us!" Zhujiu explains, still on edge about their Leader's opinion.

After all, GhostFace was not known for mercy nor for negotiating with his' victims.

Poor Yezun, he starts wishing he had followed his first desire to kill them but he breath in couple deep breaths to calm himself and growl out "Start with who is giving you orders"

"It... it's Lady Ya Qing" Zhujiu said almost defiantly making Yezun amused.

"My, my, my... aren't you quick to rat out your leader?" Yezun asks while crunching down in front of Zhujiu. Yezun was expecting him to quiver in fright again and start begging but much to his surprise, Zhujiu stubbornly stares back at him and refuses to correct his statement. Now Yezun is really intrigued with Ya Qing's leadership. After all, good leadership gains sincere and loyal followers.

"Mind telling why?" Yezun starts to probe.

"Because she does not deserve my loyalty." Zhujiu bluntly said, making his companion shock.


"What? I know you feel the same way as me. We didn't get a say in this. We were basically ordered to our deathbed, Bo" Zhujiu argues to his companion, Cong Bo.

Interesting... "You are doing a great job in gaining my trust here." GhostFace sarcastically answers Zhujiu. Cong Bo gives Zhujiu See what you did? look that Yezun pretend not see.

"Why bother? Leader, you are not going to trust us from the beginning anyway." Zhujiu retorts making Yezun burst out laughing, a laughter that send chill of dread to the receiver.

Interesting fellow, indeed, but rotten attitude... I can't have that.

Before either Cong Bo or Zhujiu can shake out of the chill, Zhujiu is sent flying into the wall before he falls down onto the floor, coughing out blood.

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