Reconciliation 2

338 27 18


The kiss has taken Yunlan by surprise when his Xiao Wei suddenly grasps the back of his neck with force pushing forward with one hand and the other hand is still on his waist, firmly holding him in place. But having that beautiful pink, soft, and sweet rosy lips upon his plum lips, Yunlan's initial hesitation evaporates and starts responding to the passionate kiss.

This kiss is different from any other kisses they had shared before. Their past kisses where just little peck at each other's lips or Wei nibbling at his lips for a taste while Yunlan is at daze.

But the kiss they are sharing now is intense, mixture of feelings pouring through the kiss: hesitation, hope, yawning, love, desperation and insecurities.

Before long, Shen Wei bit Zhao Yunlan's bottom lip making him gasp a little and without hesitation, Shen Wei's tongue invaded Yunlan's mouth tasting every cover of it. Shen Wei wants to see how far Yunlan will let him go. Test the limit Yunlan has set up for him and hoping... wishing... that Zhao Yunlan will not reject his feelings, that Yunlan also shares same emotions with him.

Tasting the sweet rosy lips of his xiao Wei, Yunlan reason had long since gone. All his brain is capable of now is to taste as much as he could like starving man and finding a method to breath in air so he doesn't have to break the kiss.

Knowing his shy xiao Wei, although he most of the time act spoil, Yunlan is well aware that if the kiss is broken now, his Xiao Wei will come back to his sense, and he definitely doesn't want that. Little does Yunlan know that Shen Wei has no intention of letting him off that easily, not when he finally got his Ah Lan back. Not when he finally got the courage to accept his own feelings...

Much to Yunlan's dismay, they both needs to part to intake some air in and Yunlan's found himself desperately praying that his Xiao Wei will not stop.

"Mmm!!?" Yunlan pat at Wei's shoulders signaling that he needs air.

Shen Wei reluctantly let go of plum lips but not far and waits for Zhao Yunlan to breathe in some air and the moment he sees Yunlan has enough air, he immediately dives in and suck on plum lips and bite gently to bruise it but not enough force to break the skin.

"Mine.. promise..Ah- Lan" Shen Wei growl his demand between their heated kisses making Yunlan goes weak and be submitted to his Xiao Wei, who somehow acting like a beast and demanding his mate's submission.

"Mmm...mmm---" All Yunlan can do is moans into kiss and hope that it is enough to convey his feelings.

From the look of it, Shen Wei seems to get the message just fine because Shen Wei eyes narrow, and his pupil dilates and turns into pitch black before shoving his tongue aggressively into Yunlan open mouth and battle with Yunlan's tongue.

Yunlan is not, repeat, not going to admit that his innocent angel kisses weaken his knees and would have collapsed long ago if not because of Shen Wei's tight and firm hold on his body.

The kiss is rough, harsh even but neither of them mind that. After all, they are two starving men, craving for each other's affection. One wanting to believe and another one wanting to proof.

They have been devouring each other's lips for over hour, mostly Yunlan letting Shen Wei get his fill because even though Shen Wei is practically demanding but Yunlan knows that its his Xiao Wei's way of desperately confirming that Yunlan is there and that Yunlan is really willing to be his, his only.

Yunlan's heart sunk feeling how desperate he had driven his beloved Wei into. Oh my Wei... I'm here... I'm here and I'm yours to keep... But just kissing me will not make your uncertainties go away...

Legend of Tengu LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora