Daixing Village 1

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Daixing Village is burning down to the ground. Crackling of burned woods clasping can be heard. Faint cries from kids and adults keep getting fainted. Everyone is dead from earlier casualties with an unknown monster except for a very few people. Many young kids are crying near their dead parents' bodies with injuries from cuts, poisons or burns from the fire.

"Wei! You must escape from here right now! *Coughing sounds* Youuu--- must leave be---f--ore--she--gets ----yo---u" A woman said to her young kid who is crying. She is beyond saving point now. The only thing keeping her alive temporarily is her will to save her beloved son.

*Crying......crying....hic-cup ....crying... sounds*

"No, mom!...*hic-cup*... please come with me....*crying hard* moooom.. please don't leave me alone.... you are my only family member....*crying ---hic-cup--- sounds*".

"Oh my love.... mommy is very sorry for leaving you....so soon...but please know that you are not alone.... you will understand later...." *Coughing up blood*

"Mooom......please ...." Young crying boy pleas to his dying mother while helping his mother wipe away the bloods coming out of her mouth with his little shaking hand as if wiping away the blood will stop the blood from flowing out from his precious mother's body.

The women gathered all her energy and lift her hand and hold onto her child's hand that wiping away her blood.

"S--hen--- Wei..... my precious gem....I'm sorry .... for ---not being able to protect you.... please....if you still consider me as your mom...run away....far way.....and don't ever come back here until it is the right time.....*coughing sounds*" The woman said before her hand dropping to the ground; And her cold body lay motionless and last few drops of tears fall down pale her cheeks.

"Mommm!!!! Nnoo..... momm.... don't do this to me... no....please....say something......*Crying sounds...hiccup..crying sounds*" Little Shen Wei begs while shaking his mother's cold body that is red from her blood.

"Young master! Please let's go. I'm here to take you to safe place....madam....Shen..." A tall guy came running toward crying Shen Wei but he drops to his knees when he saw the woman corpse the kid crying over.

He has many injuries; some are light, and some are deep...but he was used to this type of wounds, so it didn't really bother him much. His priority is to get his master somewhere safe before she come to get him... However, he can't help but to drops tears seeing Madam Shen's dead body.

"Madam.....Shen....why....Jiejie???" the tough guy asks with heartbroken voice

"*hiccup*....uncle...Chu.....*crying---hiccupping voice* mom is not responding to me.... she kept asking me to run away without her....and ...n-now.... she is not waking... up.... Mom.....please...wake...up.....I will run away like you ask me...to...so please don't be mad at me...and say something...mom...!" Shen Wei said to Chu and brought his attention back to his mother again.

Poor young master....he thinks his mother is not waking up because he refuses to listen to his mother...... Chu internally said and few more tears drops from the man known to not have emotions by many, seeing poor pitiful and broken child in front of him.

"Young master Shen Wei....please...stop shaking.... her. She is no longer with us.... Please let's go before she comes...." Chu said after wiping his own tears away and stand to pick Shen Wei up.

"No, Uncle! Mom!!!" Little Shen Wei wails and struggles on Chu's hold to go back to his mother but can't get release. Chu lifts his young master up and his sword and start running toward dark forest while internally promising to his death jiejie that he will protect Shen Wei with his life as she wished him to do.

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