Ghost Village 11

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"Wang?! Wang?!" Sang shouts and shouts at the tree but all they can hear is excruciating painful screams of agonies that want people to cover their own ears to lessen the sharp loudness and turn blind eye to the pain.

The Oak Tree is red like it's on blazing fire but there is no actual flame. No cracking of wood nor burn smells. But one would think that is the least to be concerned about when painful screams fill the area in unorthodox looking surroundings.

"Wang?! Wang Zheng!?" Sang cries out while punching the Oak Tree trunk but the tree spirit never replies to his pleas.

"Little angel, what is going on!?" Yunlan asks, feeling sick to his stomach. For an unknown reason, the voices, screams, the image in front of him reminds him of judgement day in Hell where all sinner's sins are being weighted for their annual cleansing period.

"It's a judgement punishment... day. If I'm not mistaken, it the day when hell lords burn every sinner in the Hell on the Rightful Flame. The purpose of the ritual is to rule out sinners who had paid their due sins in Hell so they can move onto gate of reincarnation; and those who is not rule out by the Rightful Flame, they will continue to receive their due punishments in the hell....until next Judgement Punishment Day" Little devil answers instead because heaven's beings don't know anything about how Hell works like how devils don't know anything about how Heaven lords rule their perspective beings.

The only exception to this rule is Archangels and underground Rulers who have free access to both realms. Of course, that doesn't mean either being can visit another realm without prior notice, or it would be considered as an attack.

"A what now?" Lin Jing asks, surprised and confused but this question is ignored when Shen Wei asks.

"If what you say is right, then I would assume this ritual only occur under 7th level of Hell... why is this Oak Tree going through that?"

"7th Level?" Lin Jing asks again, but Guo helpfully answers him since others ignore the poor guy who is totally confused.

"There is total of 7 floors or 7 underground levels in Hell like there is total of 7 level of skies in Heaven. Each level carries a different severity of sins for Hell. And I believe 7th level is the deepest and most tortures floor for heavy sinners or at least I have read" Guo Changcheng explains.

"Thanks Guo!" Lin Jing replies with thankful pats on his back.

"I don't know, master. I never heard of such thing too, but this cannot be anything else." Little devil said, feeling worried and puzzled.

What had become of Hell since we went to sleep? Little devil questions himself.

"Everyone, answers would be helpful, but I think getting our little tree spirit out is more important at the moment." Yunlan hurries to alert others when he sees the tree slowly deeming down and tree trunk starting to turn black like it about to break down any moment.

"Would same method even work now?" Little angel worriedly wonders aloud.

"What do you mean by that, little angel?" Little devil questions.

"I dispelled the trap on Sang Zan, breaking the magic circle. It worked out fine since he was the only soul that was trapped. But now, there are many souls and the moment they sense a way out, they will cling to it to escape their pain." Little Angel explains but he is interrupted by Shen Wei.

"What are you trying to say, little angel?"

"Master Wei, what I'm saying is that if I were to use same method to dispel the trap, I cannot be sure that whoever get out will be Wang Zheng..."

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