Every Beginning Has An Ending 1

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It was a couple hours later that her peaceful focus got interrupted. It is faded at first that she ignores it, but it gets more concentrated with each failed attempt that she recognizes who is seeking her attention.

Wa-... wan......wang...WANG!

Master Yunlan?

God-- finally! Yes, it's me. How is Zhu Hong?

"Hmmm, she is stable for now. But I will need to keep an eye out though.

That's good to hear. Tell me what happened over there.

Junfeng got impatient and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Junfeng?? Who is that?

"Ah I forgot you don't know his name. Junfeng is the current archangel that has been behind past attacks. Your past twin brother.

Ah my twin... I am still trying to understand how a sibling can be horrible to their own siblings.

No one knows another's heart, master Yunlan.

What is the status now? Anyone else who is injured?

Master Wei's uncle and your brother just join the battle. Me, Zhu Hong and Lin Jing came back home. Others are still fighting him. Wang Zheng updates Zhao Yunlan.

Okay, Wang Zheng. Do you think they can hold off until we get there? Zhao Yunlan worriedly inquires.

Junfeng is unpredictable. I'm afraid I can't guess. Wang Zheng states.

Xiao Wei needs a day rest to recover after the labor, but he might refuse to be left behind. Our location has already been discovered by angels.

I think Master Wei can rest for little while if he can create this teleportation circle that GhostFace left with me for emergency. Do you think he will be able to copy just from description? That would definitely cut off the traveling times to few minutes max. Wang Zheng offers.

I think if we all work together, we will be able to cast it. How difficult is it?

From my experience, the difficulty level is medium but I am an experienced caster so I might be underestimating it.

We will take the risk. I want him to get as much rest as he can before leaving. I also need to go talk with angels that claim to be our ally. Wang Zheng, I need you to inform others that the rest of the team will be joining the battle. They need to make sure to take care of themselves and keep Junfeng there. I want to end this once and for all.

Roger that master! Take care of each other please. I think we should be fine by tomorrow morning. Junfeng is injured with our guardian weapons so hopefully that will slow him down.

I hope so too, Wang Zheng. I will contact you again in the morning. If something goes wrong before then, contact me promptly.

Yes. I will. Now I'll relay the message to others.

Good. Bye for now. Zhao Yunlan disconnects telepathic communication.


Kunlan Mountain: Ice Forest

"How did it go, Ah Lan? I can sense Zhu Hong's faded energy now." Shen Wei asks when he notices that his Ah Lan is not meditating anymore.

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