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"Master Wei, you have to concentrate your energy on your dantian where your baby is house. I will handle all the surgical parts. Master Yunlan, I need you to feed a steady amount of your energy into Master Wei. Baby's energy will not revolt if it recognized as theirs's parents." Li Qian orders.

"Mn." Shen Wei determinedly replies.

"How would I know what the right amount of energy transfusion is?" Zhao Yunlan worriedly asks.

"Start off with a little and keep it constant. When you see Master Wei struggling and start to look tired, add little more energy into the bond. The key in transferring energy is to make sure Master Wei has enough energy to assist himself in delivering the baby." Li Qian explains, clinically.

"Ok. " Zhao Yunlan nods in understanding.

"Alright! I'll start now. Master Wei, I will start by cutting your abdomen first. I will apply herbs to numb tissues around your abdomen, so you don't feel much pain. I wish I have parallel world's anesthesia drugs, but we will make do with what we have." Li Qian calmly explains to Shen Wei, but Shen Wei is too busy concentrating in taking deep breaths that he didn't even hear Li Qian.


Before anyone realizes it, a tense day turns into a tense evening before a happy murmur can be heard. Li Qian happily takes the shiny light globe into magical incubator that she pre-created couple days ago.

Same couldn't be said about new parents who are looking at the light globe with fascination and confusion.

"Li Qian, why is our child a light ball?" Zhao Yunlan shrieks since he recovers first between the two.

"... Yeah, what Ah Lan asks." Shen Wei tiredly agrees, too exhausted to say more. Giving birth is no joke, even if it apparently birthing a magical shiny globe? 

"What? Didn't I already say that this will not be normal pregnancy?" Li Qian asks after safely incubating the baby

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"What? Didn't I already say that this will not be normal pregnancy?" Li Qian asks after safely incubating the baby.

"Well, us being not human can be unnatural?" Yunlan tries to make sense.

"Yes, that too but you are being Archangel of Heaven and Shen Wei being king of Hell make your child a powerhouse. So, they will need to adjust their energy first before their flesh can be formed. That's why I have created this magical incubator." Li Qian explains, too happy to grumble at new parents.

"Okay, I will pretend like everything makes sense, xiao Qian. Tell me this, at the end, we will have a human looking baby to play and take care of, right? " Shen Wei pleads. How could he not?! He has been looking forward to seeing their sunshine and taking care of them as soon as the birthing process is done.

"Yes, there will be actual baby, but the development will take couple weeks to complete." Li Qian explains before casting some silent spells around the incubator. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan who has been silently observing Li Qian at work, notices the incubator turn transparent, then there is nothing.

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