Ghost Village 7: Little Moment

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Yunlan's Bedchamber

I wonder if little devil is still mad at little angel? I know I would be desperate for my Weiwei's forgiveness if he is upset with me.... *sigh*... I guess we both master and familiar is sucker for our own Wei.... Yunlan thinks fondly while lovingly looking at sleepy beauty in his embrace.

When Zhao Yunlan sees a couple strands of hair falling on Shen Wei's face, he tries to put it back in place, but he couldn't help but to linger his touch, being mesmerized by his lover's beauty.

Ah... what did I do to deserve your love, huh my love? Yunlan love-structingly question... totally being a whip for sleeping Shen Wei.

However, his lingering touch has awakened Shen Wei from his sleep, yet he is too lazy and tire to open his eyes, so he just continues to sleep.

"Ah Lan, let me sleep more..." Shen Wei whines while snuggling into Yunlan's warm and wide chest where he feels most comfortable making Yunlan softy chuckle.

"Weiwei, how tired are you to not even realized that little angel is missing?" Yunlan teases.

"Missing?" Shen Wei mumbles and finally he realizes that they are all alone which he has been trying to avoid making him shoot up from sleeping but a strong arm keeps him in place.

"And where do you think, you are escaping to~~?" Yunlan purrs into his red earlobe.

"Er... you said little angel is missing right?" Shen Wei softly reminds, fighting the urge to moan because Yunlan is now playfully biting and licking his earlobe while hovering above his body.

"Yeah~~?" Yunlan asks while moving his mouth down Wei's neck, softly biting and kissing, enjoying seeing everywhere he kisses, Wei's skin turns soft pink beautifully.

"S-o we need to -f AH! find hi.." Shen Wei trails off because his concentration is flickering when Yunlan continues pampering his neck with kisses here and there. The pleasure he is feeling is undeniably too good to resist.

When Yunlan notices that his Wei is not protesting anymore but breathing in and out heavily, he risks moving his head up to look at Shen Wei who is now red with a daze focus while clinging to his back, obliviously drowning in pleasure.

Yunlan was planning to just tease his Weiwei to see his reactions, but Yunlan had totally forgotten one important thing: Yunlan has epically failed to notice that he has zero immunity to his Weiwei, especially true to whining and demanding cute Xiao Wei.

It was already hard to resist himself from taking to next step, but next words out from Shen Wei's had shuddered Yunlan resolve to only tease his lovely Wei.

"Ah Lan... why you stop...?" A daze Wei whines, not realizing that he just broke the wall Yunlan g has built to tame his inner beast.

"Xiao Wei...!" Yunlan growls and starts kissing Wei's soft lips fervently.

"Mmmhh!" Shen Wei moans while clinching on Yunlan's shoulder and just like that, they both are a lost case.

"Haa.. huhhh- sorry Xiao Wei... I can't stop..." Yunlan breaths out through kissing Shen Wei like there is no tomorrow and his Wei's soft, pink lips are like a drug that he is addicted to beyond turning point.

"Hmm..." Is all Shen Wei able to say because his Ah Lan is devouring his lips like a starving beast and he himself is thirsting for his Ah Lan's plum lips that making his body tinkle with pleasure.


Shen Wei's Bedchamber Couple Hours Before

"Now, my little angel. Please tell me why you were crying just now?" Little Devil asks, now that they both are in their original forms.

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