Doppelganger 1

212 23 26

Shadow world people's name will be bold. 
Light world people's name will be not bolded.


Parallel Worlds: Dragon City

"Chief Zhao, why is my Idol at the crime scene? Doesn't he have shooting today?" Lin Jing asks while driving the red monster truck.

"I'm more worried that he is unconscious. Did he get kidnapped?" Guo panickingily adds.

Babe... please wake up. What happened? Zhao Yunlan wonders internally while hugging unconscious Shen Wei.

"Lin Jing, can you drive any faster?!" Their chief barks out making poor scientist clamp up his mouth and press the gas pedal to maximum.

"Lao Zhao, where to? Hospital or your house?" Da Quing questions.

"Hospital will be dangerous if he really got kidnapped. You know how his fans are. If kidnapper blend in with them, there is no way of telling." Yunlan reasons with a sigh making Da Quing nods in understanding.

"Did you contact Yezun yet?" Yunlan asks back, trying to distract his building up anxiety.

"No, the message still left unread." Da Quing worriedly responses.

Zhao Yunlan is about to say something when his phone starts to ring.

"Whose calling?" Da Quing asks and Yunlan just shrugs before digging out his cell phone from his pants pocket.

"What th-?!" Yunlan exclaims when he sees the caller's ID.

"Who is calling?" Da Quin asks worriedly when he sees Yunlan's complicated expression.

"Shen Wei" Yunlan answers puzzledly.

"But how? He is right here" Da Quing also confusingly states.

"Maybe someone found his phone and calling?" Guo offers.

"Impossible! No one can excess his phone without the security and only Shen Wei, Chief Zhao and I know how to." Lin Jing defensively argues.

"Well, maybe you need to upgrade your talent now because someone obviously can break through your invincible security~~" Zhu Hong cheerfully said through their earpiece.

The group is broken into two cars. Zhu Hong, Guo Changcheng and Chu Shuzhi are in one car while Da Quing, Zhao Yunlan, unconscious Shen Wei and Lin Jing are in one.

"Hey..hey... heY! Snake lady. Are you telling me that there is someone else better than me?" Lin Jing asks, feeling offended.

"Duh!" Is the answer Zhu Hong blessed him with.

"Enough!" Chu grumpily interrupts them because this back and ford argument through earpiece is giving him an earache.

"Pick it up and see, Lao Yunlan." Da Quing prompts but before he can complete his statement, his phone starts ringing too.

"Yezun?" Da Quing says before picking up the call.

"Darling!" Da Quing gleefully greets.

"Don't darling me! Why is Zhao Yunlan here?! Didn't you guys have a case today?!" Yezun voice rings throughout the car making Da Quing wince.

"Darling... what are you talking about? Lao Yunlan is sitting here with me. I should be the one asking you how come your didi is in the crime scene?" Da Quing responses back, feeling confused.

"What is your cat brain talking about? How can Shen Wei be there when he is sitting with me and talking to Zhao Yunlan?" Yezun replies back feeling bewildered.

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