Strength: Equilibrium

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"How is master Wei doing?" Wang worriedly asks Zhao Yunlan who is meditating in his backyard on a large stone.

"Hi Wang Zheng. The same. Just keep sleeping and asking for the little devil." Yunlan answers defeatedly.

Yunlan was trying to meditate to calm his growing worries. However, he is finding it hard to focus on his meditation.... One way or another, his thoughts always go back to Shen Wei.

It has been almost a week since they came back from the Ghost Village and that also marks as almost a week since little Devil's disappeared without any trace.

They have tried everything they possibly could to find little Devil but no such luck. Yunlan's sanity is at the borderline. His little familiar is worried sick over his mate disappearance and exhausting his energies searching for him when he is not fully recovered from breaking the spell. And his sweet beloved Xiao Wei is growing tired and weaker with every passing second. Now, Shen Wei is bedridden without conscious for a full day.

They know that Shen Wei's weakened constitution somehow connected to little Devil's disappearance, but they cannot pinpoint to exact problem.

Once again, Yunlan finds himself feeling like he is back to his younger helpless and useless self when he couldn't do anything for his injured Xiao Wei.

That's why Yunlan ends up meditating more often than not to retain his balance. His Xiao Wei needs him, his familiar needs his master stabile to appeached his growing anxieties. Little angel's warning back in the Ghost Village about little devil losing his sanity didn't go on a deaf ear. If demon can lose their calm, with desperate measure, angel can lose themselves as well. Zhao Yunlan is sure how he came to this particular conclusion, but his instinct tells him to trust himself.

Besides, he needs himself to be a strong and solid source that is already for action in case something happens.

"How are you handling your emotions, master Yunlan?" Wang kindly asks after studying his expression.

".... Hahhaha... good question, Wang! Unfortunately, not that well." Yunlan answers with a tired and humorless laugh.

Who am I kidding? I feel like I will end up breaking down any second... Yunlan thinks, miserably. To his surprise, Wang Zheng replies to his untold worries.

"Master Yunlan, it's okay to feel hopeless and lost in this type of situation. You are doing your best. It's okay to let it go some. You can share it with me. I promise, it will reduce your worries..." Wang's voice comes out as soothing lullaby, calming down Yunlan's inner turmoil like putting out blazing fire with cold water.

How?? Yunlan surprisingly asks Wang, which make her smile serenely because Yunlan hasn't realized that he is asking her through his mind.

"Because that's what I do, master Yunlan. That is who I am." Wang answers like a mother teaching her young child a new concept of life for the first time with all the patience in the world.

"... What are you, Wang Zheng?" Zhao Yunlan finally speaks after he is mysteriously calm down by Wang.

"Nobody important, Master Yunlan. Just healer of sort if you must have an answer." Wang answers, finally back to casual speech.

"If you are healer, then you could of have healed Xiao Wei instead of me!" Yunlan half complains and whines hopelessly at Wang, who is taking in his outburst like something she already knew beforehand.

"I apologize, master Yunlan. I have not gained enough energy yet to help master Wei. On the other hand, I had enough for you to not break your sanity." Wang Zheng answers with her casual yet soothing voice. But none of her earlier lullaby effects are there.

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