Truth 3

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"So, now I will be hunted by other powerful creatures because of my power?" Shen Wei confirms.

"Yes... what I'm worrying right now is that other Tengu also became aware of your power and I'm afraid I won't be able to mislead them any longer like I did in the past by hiding you here in Haixing with your power dormant with your bodyguards."

"Bodyguards? Who?" Shen Wei asks.

"Them, who is sitting beside you right now!" Yezun discloses making Shen Wei widen his eyes in shock.

"Wait, Ah Lan and Da Ge is my bodyguard from the beginning?!"

"Them and your Uncle Chu, under their leader's direct order, GhostFace who also happen to be me." Yezun proudly states.

"But Uncle Chu is just normal human! How could he fight demons?" Shen Wei worriedly ask.

"No, Shen Wei. I'm from string clan but your mother saved me and raised me as her younger brother." Chu tells the truth making Shen Wei nod in understanding.

"Oh, so does that mean everyone around me is not normal human?" Shen Wei finally came to sad realization that he has been surround by supernatural beings.

"Even you Guo Di, and Lin Jing?" Shen Wei gives them sad look making them feel bad.

"Sorry, Wei Ge... I'm the last Saint clan member...I have ability to sense good and bad in living things and neutralize if possessed." Guo apologetically shares.

"Oh, talking about power, Uncle Yezun, what is my power anyway?" Shen Wei excitedly ask with sparkling eyes.

"Er.... that's actually another problem we are facing aside demons and monsters hunting" Yezun apologetically confess.

"And here I thought I have living ancient books as my uncle...." Shen Wei express his disappointment with pouting lips.

"Xiao Wei, he might say he doesn't know but matter of fact, he always has some sort of answer or solution to every problem, so don't worry!" Yunlan whisper back to now perk up Shen Wei.

"Then do you have any clue about it? I mean, didn't me and Ah Lan use our healing power to heal the eggs?"

"My dear nephew, healing power are most basic power all Tengu possesses. I'm afraid that is not much of any indication of your true power. Although...... I do have inkling feelings that it's all connected with Yunlan's power as well. I can't say more than that either." Yezun said making Yunlan and Wei look at each other.

"Yezun Ge, how is my power related to his? Inside forest, I couldn't even escape miasma influence much less use any type of power. Thankfully Xiao Wei's power helped cleanse miasma inside me." Another topic of discussion they haven't touch yet.

"Oh yeah! Now that I think about it, I didn't get a chance to give them cleansing potions at all." Da Quing adds with surprise tone.

"But how is that possible? Even leader fall victim to it." Chu also adds.

"......." Yezun

"Well... I just wish that Ah Lan get back to his normal healthy self." Shen Wei explains.

"Oh yeah, the second time he healed me to complete health, I saw beautiful blue and black energies glowed around his body first and then it also surrounded me. But when I ask him to heal himself, it was blazing red and so hot that everyone else had to step back to not get burn. And he was healed within few minutes." Yunlan explained what he saw inside the forest.

"Isn't that hellfire?" Zhu Hong interrupted since she was also there when Shen Wei was healing himself.

"What do you mean by that?" Lin Jing questions her.

Legend of Tengu Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें