Every Beginning Has An Ending 2

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The hated gaze breaks when Shen Wei sweetly calls out to Zhao Yunlan.

"Ah Lan, focus. Don't let him provoke you."

"I know but it still irks me how he is disrespecting you." Zhao Yunlan sighs.

"Love, you know that I only care what people around me think about me. He is nobody, therefore I don't give weight to his opinion. What he thinks of me matters not" Shen Wei coaxes gently and finally Zhao Yunlan calms down. When he calms down, his power becomes more obtainable.

"Thanks Xiao Wei. What would I ever do without you?" Zhao Yunlan wonders making Shen Wei arch his brow.

"Go berserk, perhaps." Shen Wei deadpans adorably making Zhao Yunlan coos.

"You little tease~"

"Who going to remain them that they have audiences?" Yezun amusedly asks no one in particular.

"He will." Fox chirps in, pointing toward shaking in anger Junfeng.

"Maybe their affection will convince him to finally leave his barrier." Sang comments thoughtfully.

"Only time will tell." Guo agrees and like a clock work, Junfeng is so angry at being ignored and jealous, he breaks out of his barrier.

Downside of this is all the dark energies Junfeng has been manifesting is spreading out, killing plants, rotting trees, and poisoning the air with miasmas. Not only that, Junfeng draws some strange sigil and when it has lit with power, two portals open up and varies demons break through the opening.

Only alertness and their quick agility save them from being torn apart by incoming demons.

"Attack!" Yezun command before breaking into groups.

"Xiao Wei, go help others. I will attack him." Zhao Yunlan states.


"Keep using your power, Junfeng. The more you use it, the better it will be. Come on, keep using like little idiot that you are." Li Qian mumbles to herself, earning puzzled gazes from Hian Fu and Chan Ji. However, they are too wary of her to ask.

"Hey, you, draw this sigil here with this." Li Qian orders Chan Ji in southwest of the mansion then moves on without checking the work but never forgetting to warn the affronted angel.

"You mess this up, heaven will be under Junfeng's rule for eternity, and I will personally make sure your life is a living hell, if that's the last thing I do. And you, follow me!"

Scared but the seriousness of the situation makes Chan Ji hold his tongue and Hian Fu apologically gaze at his friend before following Li Qian who is now moving toward southeast of the mansion. Hian Fu notices trail of red sigils behind Li Qian and not until he is ordered similarly approximately southeast of the mansion that he realizes that the liquid he supposes use to draw sigil given to him is blood. He almost drops the bag of blood but luckily, he comes to his senses.

"I really hope I'm doing the right thing." Hian Fu whispers before getting to work.

After assigning both angels with a task, Li Qian continues on toward the north of the mansion.

"Come on, Li Qian. You are almost there" she hisses out and brutally bites into her lips to clear her hazed focus. She can't faint from blood lost now. Li Qian after retiring to her room in Ice Forest yesterday, she spent entire night creating spells upon spells with her blood and sealed into three bags along with three different sigils that needed for the magic circle she going to use to trap Junfeng once and for all. She is carrying the last bag now, exhausted and drained but her steel determination keeps her running.

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