Guo Changcheng 1

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It has been a full week of fruitless search for Guo Changcheng. Zhao Yunlan is getting frustrated feeling like cat and mouse chasing game. Apparently, Guo Changcheng is hiding from Zhao Yunlan intentionally from their first encounter. Guo Changcheng is always a couple steps ahead of his search. The moment Zhao Yunlan believed that he finally cornered Guo, he just slipped away from his traps in the nick of time.

"Ah Lan, what's wrong? You seem to be frustrated about something." Shen Wei asks Yunlan.

"Hmm, I'm just upset that I can't find that Guo Changcheng kid. It has been a full week that I have been searching for him, but it looks like he is running away from me. I wonder what I did to scare him away..." Zhao Yunlan confessed, feeling tired and defeated.

"Oh, so that's why you were so confident in telling me that we will meet that cute kid. Do you want my help in finding him, Ah Lan?" Shen Wei asks.

"I suppose extra help is welcome... but Xiao Wei, I feel like he is hiding from me because he is scared of me.... so, I doubt we will find him if he doesn't want to be found."

"I suppose you have a point.... But Ah Lan, why would he be scared of you? I don't recall you meeting such a kid before." Shen Wei asks in confusion.

Wei Ah Wei, he is not scared of me as individual but because of what I am to him.... I think or is there misunderstanding??? Zhao Yunlan ponders because he himself is new to this whole ordeal thing. His leader is not much help either. He couldn't even provide the detailed symbol that Yunlan is supposed to look for. He is getting tired of hearing god damn same phrase of "when the time is right, you will know."

STUPID BROTHER-IN-LAW!!! Zhao Yunlan internally screams at Yezun.

"Ah Lan?Lan..--an---. YUNLAN!" Shen Wei calls Zhao Yunlan who is lost in his own thoughts, making Shen Wei worry because Zhao Yunlan suddenly got quiet in the middle of their conversation.

"Eh? What is it, Xiao Wei?" Yunlan asks.

"Yunlan, why are you looking for him desperately? Shouldn't we leave him alone if he doesn't want our help? I don't like seeing you lose sleep because of searching..." Shen Wei said with a worried face while caressing Yunlan's cheeks. That simple act of caress from his sweet Xiao Wei is hypnotizing, his dark almond's doer eyes that staring straight into his brown puppy eyes.

Slowly, Zhao Yunlan reach his hands up and cup it over Shen Wei's hands on his cheeks and press his hands further into his cheeks with Shen Wei's hands in between lovingly and answers with sweet smile:

"Because he reminds me of past you when I first met you. Lost, lonely and sad.... Besides don't think that I didn't notice your eyes unconsciously looking for him everytimes we pass by the market. I know you are worried about him."

"...." Zhao Yunlan's reason behind searching for Guo Changcheng stunt Shen Wei speechless. He admits that he has been worried about little Guo since they parted, and sometime, he would consciously search for Guo's weak figure in the crowd. Apparently, he has been unconsciously doing the same and Yunlan notices it.

Shen Wei slowly took his hands that were on Yunlan's cheeks down and shyly said with pink cheeks.

"Ah Lan, I'm not worth all the trouble you are going through..."

"No, Xiao Wei. You are worth that and much more." Zhao Yunlan confidently said while looking into his confused doer eyes with love and sincerity making Shen Wei wonder what he did to deserve such royalty from his childhood friend. Unaware of himself, that look from Zhao Yunlan has always sped up his heartbeats, making him feel warm inside out and safe from everything. He couldn't help but to tightly hug Yunlan, snuggling his head into Yunlan's crook of his neck and inhaling Yunlan's body scent while closing his eyes. Yunlan replies to his hug by wrapping his arms around Shen Wei as tightly as he could.

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