Daixing Village 2

764 46 35

"Jiejie....so she is your sister!? No wonder you remind me of her!......Wait....did..you..just...say that she is ...dea...d?" The Envoy miserably asks, not believing his own ears.


Chu just nods yes. Suddenly, they are disrupted with the woman voice that they forgotten for a moment.

"Don't think that you can escape your death today!" She hisses and turns her lower half body into a huge snake tail.

"She is the reason?" The Envoy ask somberly.

"Yes! She murdered everyone including jiejie and almost your son! " Chu grit out with anger towards her, making the Envoy look at him with shock expression.

"Wait...my SON?!" The Envoy demands in a surprise, he does not know whether to be happy or sad right now.

"What? You didn't know that you have a son, named Shen Wei?" Chu asks puzzled. Although his jiejie was secretive about her son's father, he always thought that the father knew about his son since she always talks fondly about him.

"No! I never understood why she suddenly one day left me and disappeared from my world!" The Envoy cries out in a disbelieving tone.

"Hey.... calm down...now you know his existence... I just use that spell to send him to your world so you will have a lot of time to spend with him since he lost his mother.

"Hahhahhah...*sobbing sounds*...why...?" The Envoy at first laughs in irony and starts crying in despair, making Chu confused.

"Well.... brother-in-law.... since you said that, you must not know the price of the spell..." The Envoy said sadly after wiping his tears away.

However, before he can ask what he meant, the snake woman surrounded them and starts squeezing them tight with her snake body.

"I warned...you...you are not escaping your dead today..." She said in a deep and hoarse voice which sounded almost like a male's vocal tone.

"Say... She-Yao...(Snake monster) why did you kill all these innocent people and hunting my son's life?" The Envoy asks, not even struggling in tight grasps of the snake tail.

"Why...? It is because he possesses immense power and I want that power!" She exclaims maniacally, not noticing the black mist coming out from the Envoy body as his anger arises.

"Well, I hate to kill anyone on our first meeting, but you just hurt my precious ones, that I can't forgive you for." The Envoy states and within seconds, the Envoy was already not in her grasp nor Chu. Then she saw them in the distance, the Envoy helping Chu. She was about to attack again, but out of nowhere, black thunder struck right on her body, burning her into dust within minutes.

Chu is so shocked, first at how the Envoy just teleported them to a safe place and second, the Envoy brought the legendary black thunder only few in the world can handle without killing themselves in the process or with large consumption of their energy with ease which killed the monster snake that he couldn't even put a scratch on.

The Envoy after killing the monster, he walks toward Chu who is still in shock state.

"Well, brother-in-law. What is your name?" The Envoy asks, bringing Chu back to the reality.

"Aa.... Chu Shuzhi, adopted younger brother of Madam Shen Fei." Chu Shuzhi replies on autopilot.

"I see. So, you are her beloved younger brother xiao Fei kept talking about everytime she misses her home." The Envoy shares in sad voice.

"Can you tell me why she run away from you and never told you about your son?" Chu inquires after calming down a little and sets down on the ground to support his aching body.

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