Passage of Time is Cruel

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In what seems like a blink of an eye, Guo Changcheng had already stayed with his new family for over a year now.

Over one year period, many things changed for everyone. As the saying goes, Time knows no bound as the universe never stops spinning around its orbits. The life clock will forever continue clicking... regardless of your pain.

First, everyone learned that Guo Changcheng is a year older than Shen Wei and a year younger than Zhao Yunlan. Due to his poor living environment, he didn't get proper nutrients to grow and remain skinny and small like a teenager. However, now Guo Changcheng is healthy, though still skinny, and cheerful yet clumsy person. At least, no one is commenting on his body build anymore.

Being with Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan, Guo Changcheng also became a student of Uncle Chu and brother Da Quing. Da Quing was quite happy with his new student. Guo Changcheng learned fast and outsmart both Wei and Yunlan in learning philosophy and was always eager to learn new things. Unfortunately, Chu can't say the same about Guo Changcheng.

Chu Shuzhi will always be grumpy and frustrated with his new student. No matter how many times he teaches Guo including many late nights extra training, Guo Changcheng can't seem to fight. Yunlan would even help Guo learn the very basic techniques to defend himself, but Guo Changcheng is just not meant to fight at all. It's a miracle how he survived all these years in the street.

Although Guo is now 18, he still attends school with Shen Wei in the same classes since he is late in attending school. It was a good thing for all except Shen Wei because Yunlan already finished his studies since he turned 18.

Shen Wei is happy with Guo and quite fond of him. He still treats Guo as his younger didi even though Guo is older, but Guo doesn't mind that. In fact, Guo's lack of fighting skills forces Shen Wei to fight less with others since he didn't want Guo Changcheng to get into trouble because of him. When it is unavoidable, Shen Wei and Guo will try to settle the dispute through communication after millions of times of whining and begging from Guo Changcheng, of course.

Shen Wei doesn't want to admit it, but he definitely has a soft spot for Guo, in the brotherly sense. Zhao Yunlan sometimes got jealous of Guo because he was never successful in making his Xiao Wei listen to his warning. When he complains about it to his gege, all Da Quing says is that "Didi, you are soft on him like he is soft on Guo" and end of conversation.

That being said, there is something that Shen Wei is not happy about the changes in his life. At surface, the problem lays with not having his Xiao Lan with him all the time like he used to. He can't act like the spoiled person he likes to be and can't play hooky with school anymore. The things he gets away with Yunlan, Guo will not allow him to. It's frustrating but he couldn't do anything about it either. Zhao Yunlan will often hear his xiao Wei complain: "Yunlan, why did you have to be older than me, huh? Couldn't you just stay in your mother womb two extra years before coming out?!" and pout. Yunlan could only soothe his Wei and give extra attention on days like that.

Now Yunlan is helping teacher Chu teach classes and would help with Da Ge's job which Shen Wei still doesn't know.

Since Yunlan couldn't attend school with Shen Wei anymore, Guo became his extension, guarding Shen Wei and reporting to Yunlan through pigeon carrier. Yunlan's main job remains as Shen Wei guard and advisor while assisting his gege and Uncle Chu.

With this distance, Yunlan now has the chance to search for the remaining five individuals. But Yunlan had no luck in finding anyone. Luckily for him, some of his power is awakening with the help of Yezun.


"Where is Ah Lan?" Wei wonders as he walks around searching for him.

"Oh, Da Ge!" Wei shouts when he sees Da Quing in the distance and runs towards him.

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