Cursed Symbol 2

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"I think that should be enough practice for today, master." The little angel said while stretching his little body through the cool evening breeze.

"Yeah, I think so too. I'm hungry as well." Zhao Yunlan admits.

"Oh, my poor heart can finally see my great beauty~~" Little angel chirps happily while flapping his wings in the air while following behind his master.

"Yes, yes. You can see your beauty while I go see my Xiao Wei~" Zhao Yunlan chirps along.

Seriously, master like familiar. Familiar like master.

However, when they stepped inside the house, they were surprised to see everyone inside in the middle of what looked like a serious discussion.

"What is going on?" Zhao Yunlan asks which automatically gains everyone's attention.

"Ah Lan, welcome back!" Shen Wei jumps into Yunlan's embrace who happily hugs him back lovingly.

"Hi Xiao Wei." Yunlan sweetly greets after kissing him on his forehead who purrs contentedly.

That is when he notices how his Xiao Wei's neck is glowing red but not that noticeable. "Xiao Wei, why is your neck glowing?" Yunlan asks worriedly.

"Oh, don't worry Ah Lan. I'm not in pain or anything. Actually, we are discussing why my symbol is glowing and waiting for your return." Shen Wei answers while rubbing his face into Yunlan's broad chest.

"Found anything?" Little Angel inquires who is currently doing perfect-koala impression on little devil who obediently remains stable and strong for his koala-angel to hang onto him.

"Well.... we learn couple possible reasons from little devil earlier" Lin Jing offers.

"And?" Yunlan inquires Lin Jing, yet refusing to release Shen Wei from his warm embrace and Shen Wei seems to be content where he currently is.

"Nothing that could explain our Shen Wei's symptoms" Chu offers grumpily.

Chu has returned after assigning Cong Bo and Zhujiu some tasks that Yezun asked him to. As for the symbol, as time passes by, it glows less and less and less bright much to everyone's bafflement. That explains how Zhao Yunlan is taking news much more calmly than others.

"At least he is not in pain or torment. I think we should be glad for that" Wang Zheng sweetly offers from her seat where she is sitting with Sang Zan.

"We all are happy for that, Wang. But not knowing the exact reason behind it doesn't take away future danger." Da Qing worriedly states making others sigh.

"Hey troublemaker, you got anything on this?" Zhao Yunlan asks the little angel while carrying his own koala who refuses to leave his embrace to sit down.

"Hmm. Love, what did you find out so far?" He asks little devil.

"The closes conclusion I have got is his symptoms are similar to one of the partners expecting and his instinct is becoming overprotective with how his symbol glow red around both side and it only dims down recently which I'm assuming because he could sense master Yunlan is near. But that doesn't make sense." Little devil whispers, not wanting Zhao Yunlan to hear.

"Why do you think it does not make sense?" Little angel whispers back while contemplating what little devil just revealed.

"One, they are both male. I never came across male pregnancy occurring throughout all my devil's life. Second, I would sense another life energy inside master Wei if he were expecting. I know we don't know everything about the cursed symbol, but I still think them being pregnant is kind of impossible." The little devil explains what is going through his head ever since he arrived and found out his master's symbol glowing red.

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