Nursing Wei Back

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"Can we start?" Chu grumpily asks Yunlan. He is losing patience waiting.

"Yes, Uncle Chu!" Yunlan scarily said.

"Oh, come on Chu. It's not like you have hot date or something. Why the rush?" Yezun teases when he joins the others with Da Quing beside him.

"So, what happened? How did my nephew get hurt that badly? And why are you guys out this late? Start talking!" Chu shoots out questions after questions to Yunlan while shooting dagger at Yunlan and Gou through his eyes in front of him making two kids gulp down hardily.

"I'm sorry sirs! It's all my fault that Wei ge got into the fight from the beginning!" Guo Changchang blur out.

"No shit, of course it began with you. What I'm wondering is how did he get this hurt with his bodyguard with him?" Chu bluntly questions while looking at Yunlan.

"Chu Shuzhi... calm down. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation. Let him explain first." Yezun said with his leader's voice, making Chu quiet down.

"Actually, Wei and I accidentally met with Gou Changcheng in the market on my birthday, but Guo ran away from us. After that, I have been searching for him after my classes or at night. When Wei found out, he offered to help me search as well. After two weeks, which is today, we decided to search separately and to give up if we fail to find Guo today.

After another failed attempt late at night, I decided to end the search and went to find Xiao Wei, but he was nowhere to be found. So, I kept on searching and searching until Guo came to me saying that Wei was fighting with thugs, and he needed assistance.

By the time we got there, someone had already cut Wei's arms and it was bleeding a lot. When I joined the fight, they decided to get rid of me and was almost successful when I was distracted with Wei."

Yunlan pause a moment and continued

"Before I knew it, Wei shouted to look out and shove me out the way and end up getting hit in the head with large wood and became unconscious. After that, all I'm aware of was my desire to murder everyone who dare to hurt him and by the time I got my full conscious back, I have already killed all of them. I don't know exactly how but it seems like my power awakened. When the fight ended, we got home as fast as we could so the doctor could treat Xiao Wei. The rest, you all know. And if you are wondering what power or how I killed all of them, ask Guo since he was the only who saw everything." Yunlan summarized.

"Well, kid. Is what Yunlan told us the truth? Mind filling in?" Yezun softy asks Guo beside Yunlan.

"Yes, Yunlan Ge told the truth. Wei Ge found me in the ruined part of town where other bad people stay and started picking on me. That was when Wei Ge found me and helped me out. But we were outnumbered and when Wei Ge noticed I was getting tired, he asked me to look for Yunlan Ge and to bring him there to help out." Guo said.

"Hmm... What about when Yunlan was fighting. Guo, do you know what type of power it is? From the look of it, you are used to seeing supernatural power already since you accepted that pretty well." Da Quing asks this time, making Guo smile. Besides Shen Wei and Yunlan, Da Quing is another person that doesn't really scare Guo that much. Although Yezun has a friendly demeanor, Guo can still sense immense power oozing off his body. Chu... well he is outright scared of him.

"About that, I don't either. What I saw is that suddenly all the tugs are lift midair and choke to death. But two of them seem to be electrocuted alive..." Guo explains while glancing at Yunlan beside him. "Those two thugs were the ones who cut and hit Wei Ge."

"What happened to the bodies afterward?" Chu asks.

"Turned into ashes and wind blew it away" Both Guo and Yunlan said at the same time.

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