Ghost Village 4

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"Okay. Er... Hi tree spirit! Are you still here? It's me!" Shen Wei calls nervously and ignores the stifled laugh behind him. If they think they are doing great, Shen Wei's glare convinces them otherwise.

"What do you expect me to say?! I don't even know the spirit's name and the entire conversation was between me and the oak tree! Oak Tree~~!" Shen Wei sulkily defends himself.

"Right, of course. My Xiao Wei is always right, and no one will deny him!" Zhao Yunlan seriously agrees with the grand gesture to the little angel who is laughing, making the other three roll their eyes at how pampering Yunlan is when it comes to his sweet Wei.

.... Well, Shen Wei rolls his eye because Yunlan was one of the two who laughed at him and now playing innocent.

"Said the one who was jealous over oak tree spirit~~" Little angel gracefully remains making Yunlan flush red in embarrassment while Shen Wei raise his beautiful black brows while staring at Yunlan with amusement.

"So... was that why you were giving me attitude earlier...? All that tantrum??" Shen Wei innocently asks while waving his hand in air to emphasis his words.

"But Xiao Wei~~ it's your fault for using suggestive words that misleading from the beginning! You could have just said your felt drawn to the energy unconsciously instead of YOU feeling drawn to the soul! There is a big difference!" Yunlan said and he could hear little snickering behind him which of course belong to no other than little mischievous angel.

You traitor! Yunlan telepaths to little Angel and that only made mischievous angel break down in fits of laughter while little devil trying to make his companion calm down.

"Little angel, calm down. You are going to choke laughing too much like that." Little Devil warns.

"But how is what I said and how you phrase it, different? It means the same to me at the end." Shen Wei innocently states again making Yunlan groan in frustration.

"Yes, yes. My Wei is always right. I'm sorry for being jealous. Please forgive me?" Yunlan begs, doing sad puppy eyes.

The result is as predicted. Shen Wei obviously forgave him shortly after.

"Ahem! Back to the main point." Little devil calls making others remember the Oak tree and the magic circle trap.

"Oh, right! Are you still here? I'm back with the help I said I was going to bring. Please say something so we know that you are still here." Shen Wei shouts back to the silent oak tree.

"......" Oak Tree

"Wei, are you sure we came to the right place?" Yunlan asks back.

"Yes! This is the place! But I don't feel the pull I felt at the beginning anymore." Shen Wei notes.

"Hmm... Maybe, the spirit lost her power, so she is too tired to communicate or are we too late?" Little devil guess and cringe right after seeing how his master's face turn gloomy and sad.

"No, beautiful devil. I can still feel the souls that are trapped inside. The problem is which one we want to release? If I just break the entire spell, all the souls that have been trapped over 1000 years will be released." Little angel thoughtfully explains.

"Wait, weren't you going to break it at the beginning?" Little Devil asks, feeling confused like two others as well.

"No, I was just going pull or rather drag out the soul that master Wei wants to be free. Not really breaking it. It will be disaster freeing all the souls that the conjuration spell trapped. Besides, how are we going to know that all the souls that are trapped inside don't deserve to be trapped?" Little angel points out.

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