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After defeating Junfeng, one would think that everyone can take a breather but of course, since when has faith ever given them peace? Like never! And Poor Shen Wei is slowly being driven into insanity.

"Ah Lan, the next one that come and ask you to leave me and my child, I will bite their head off!" Shen Wei angrily said while glaring at cowering angel who came to give the message that Zhao Yunlan's present is needed in heavenly realm.

This is the 10th... 15th... or 20th ...(??)angels who came to ask their new archangel to ascendant to heaven to take over his heavenly duties. All they want after that brutal battle is to relax and wait for their child to be humanoid form after their power manifestation or something. Shen Wei honestly didn't care about that; he just wants his child in his arms.

"Weiwei, there there there... Look, you have successfully glared another angel away!" Zhao Yunlan cheerfully said while pampering his love with kisses and praises. After a good while, Shen Wei finally relaxes into Zhao Yunlan's hold.

"Ah Laaan, why can't they just leave us alone??" Shen Wei whines into Zhao Yunlan's broad chest.

"Xiao Wei, we kind of did leave heaven without a ruler..." Yunlan tries but he is promptly silence with death glare that promise murder.

"Oh really? And what is your plan dear Ah Lan? Leave your family for duty?! " Shen Wei grits out.

"Xiao Wei... That's not what I mean-" Zhao Yunlan pleads worriedly, seeing that his mate leaving his warm embrace with a stoic expression.

"You know what, Ah Lan. You can go and see if we care. But don't expect to see us again!" Shen Wei emotionlessly said before his wings expands out from his back and takes off into air, leaving Zhao Yunlan staring into empty space and feeling cold.

"Xiao Wei! Please come back! You know I didn't mean that!" Zhao Yunlan shouts after Shen Wei but Shen Wei is long gone.

"Well, Lan-Di. Now what?" Da Qing asks from the porch he is sipping his tea and watching the whole ordeal unfold.

"Da Geeee. of course, I want my family!" Zhao Yunlan groans into his hands, frustrated.

"That good and all, but you know this as well me that if Wei-di asks the celestial guardian to not let you in her mountain she will happily do it." Da Qing points out which guts Zhao Yunlan.

"Thank you for such an uplifting speech, Da Ge." He grumbles making Da Qing sigh in exasperation.

"Lan Di, I think you should figure out what you really want to do with heaven business before you go see Wei Di. When demons' counsels came and offer him hell's king position, Wei-Di made it clear that he wishes to be a family man. On other hand, you my dear didi, has been indecisive. " Da Qing comments before leaving Zhao Yunlan to his own thoughts.

Not like I want to leave them, but I still worry of the wrong person being in power. Yunlan gloomily thinks.


"What's their problem now?" Chu asks Da Qing.

"Duty and family obligations." Da Qing replies.

"Yunlan finally pissed off our Wei, huh. I'm surprised that Shen Wei held off until now." Chu admits much to Da Qing exacerbation.

"I'm sure they will figure it out soon. Where is little Guo anyway?" Da Qing asks.

"Training with Wang Zheng"

"He sure seems more motivated lately. I wonder why." Da Qing wonders out loud.

Ever since everything has settled down, Guo Changcheng has strangely been seeking out Wang to help him improve handling his power. For some reason, little Guo has been fixed on how he broke the tie between Junfeng and their new member of the family, the fox.

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