Completion of Bonding

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"If you can see them then I'm sure you know what it means to let them stay together tonight.... Are you sure it's okay with you? After all, he IS your beloved nephew too." Chu Shuzhi asks and Yezun gives him exaggerated hurtful expression.

"Zombie.... no understanding of your leader at all... " Yezun said teasingly but Chu is not having it.

"Do you?" Chu prompts, making others look at them weirdly because they got no clue what two of them are talking about.

"Tsk! You are no fun at all. And in all seriousness, since reading strings if your specialty, then you are fully aware that we, outsiders, can't do anything about it, right? It's call faith string for a reason my zombie. And to answer your second question, of course I know that he is my beloved nephew, the only family my Gege left in my care... how could I not love him...?" Yezun said sadly while looking at sleeping Shen Wei.

Knowing how much it has hurt him when Lord Envoy died, everyone knows that Yezun hold his dead Gege in high regard and still loves him unconditionally.


Before Envoy disappeared and eventually died, both twins were close and dependent on each other and always have been protective of each other too. It was a great shock when Yezun felt their inseparable twin ties suddenly became severed and leaving him mourning for his lost.

He felt all alone and lost when little cute 8 years old kid suddenly dropped inside his house, crying for his death mother and lost uncle, and learned later that the kid also lost his father as well which happen to be his Gege, Yezun couldn't help but to become more mature and serious.

Although he was mourning for his lost, Yezun didn't wait for long to take action to save his last blood related family member and took an oath himself that he will become as strong as his Gege who had always protected him so he could do the same for his little nephew.

It was heartbreaking for Da Quing who is beside his husband as wife and as close adviser to witness all these and can't do anything about it; but silently watch his husband go through all mourning alone, to the point of setting out on soul power searching journey for several years.

After all, he was one of twin who was born without power unlike his Gege who is oozing powerful magics with unlimited access. Therefore, if he decides to save his last kin, his beloved Gege's son who didn't even get a chance to see his own son before dying, he must awaken his potent latent powers as his Gege always told him he possess.

The journey itself was deathly and almost lost his life too at the end if not for his kitten who decided to ignore GhostFace's order to stay and hold onto the ford and made it just in time to save his husband.


"Yezun...." Da Quing calls out to break the trend Yezun found himself in.

"Sorry, sorry sorry... I get too emotional when my Gege is involved... *clearing his throat* Anyway, Yunlan is also my beloved didi and I wouldn't trust anyone with my gege's precious treasure more than him!" Yezun honestly declares.

"Fine... have it your way then. Don't forget to create protective shield then. I'm going now. Goodnight, everyone." Chu said tiredly and heads out with Lin Jing and Zhu Hong on this tail.

"Aiey--- Who is the leader here?!" Yezun calls out but Chu just ignores him.

"Yezun Ge, mind explaining what just happen? What did you mean by I have marked Xiao Wei as my mate? I don't remember doing such thing...?" Yunlan ask puzzledly when others have left for the night.

"Ah! Look at the time. Kitten lets go sleep now. I'm tired~" Yezun whines while yawning, totally sidestepping Yunlan's question.

"Er--- Okay dear. Lan Di, can you carry your Xiao Wei to your room? Do you need help?" Da Quing ask.

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