Love Letters

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When Jotaro was about to open his locker, he prepared for something. When the door swung open, a pile of love letters from girls flooded out like water, all of them hitting the floor at once. Jotaro grunted, then picked up all the letters, preparing to throw them in the trash. However, one letter caught his eye.
It was green and sealed with a watermelon sticker. Jotaro sighed, then stuffed the mysterious green envelope in his pocket, while he threw all the other ones in the trash. The black-haired teen then went back to his locker and got the rest of his things, then started to walk home. However, he didn't notice the redhead teen watching him take his letter.

Jotaro arrived home and went through the same thing he does. His mother greeted him and he pushed her away. Even though he loves her, he didn't want to deal with her right now. He quickly got his schoolwork done and then removed the green note from his pocket.
Jotaro inspected it. It did not have a name. The only notable thing was the green coloring and the watermelon sticker. Jotaro sighed, then opened the letter. When it opened, he threw the green envelope on the floor behind him and looked at the scrap piece of paper that was inside. All it said was:
Meet me by the cherry blossom tree at lunchtime. I'll be waiting...
Jotaro sighed, then stuffed the note in his pocket. Whoever that person was, they were probably looking for a fight.

The next day at lunchtime, Jotaro made his way to the cherry blossom tree. He saw a figure sitting down under the tree and eating their lunch. Jotaro smiled, knowing he was easily going to win this fight. However, when the black-haired teen got closer, he saw it was his dear friend Kakyoin.
No, not my friend! My crush!!
"Ah! You're here!" Kakyoin said, smiling widely. However, he was a bit nervous.
"So you were the one to give me the note?" Jotaro asked. Kakyoin nodded, then stood up and cleared his throat.
"I... know this is a bit awkward but... I like you, more than a friend... I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore..." Kakyoin mumbled, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
"Hell yeah I don't want to be your friend! I want to be your BOYFRIEND!" Jotaro yelled, attacking Kakyoin with a hug.
"R-Really?!" Kakyoin said, happy tears pricking are his eyes. Jotaro nodded, then hugged Kakyoin tight. Jotaro smiled.
"I fucking love you, you dumb bitch." Jotaro said.
"No, I love you more, dumb bitch!" Kakyoin yelled, laughing and crying happy tears. The two boys then fell on the soft grass while giggling.
They were finally together.

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