I Built a Friend

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Jotaro sucked in a breath and closed his eyes. He remembered the 49 days of happiness he was given.
When he first met Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff, and Iggy.
When they fought a bunch of stand users.
When they just had fun talks and played games together in the hotels.
However, on the 50th day, all the happiness was stripped away.
Kakyoin died, Avdol died, and Iggy died.
On the 52nd day, Jotaro's happiness was starting to rebuild itself.
On the 53rd day, Iggy was revived.
On the 60th day, Avdol was found and healed.
Finally, on the 234th day, Kakyoin reopened his eyes and took a breath.

When Jotaro opened his eyes, he saw beautiful lavender ones staring back. As well as the strikingly cherry-pink hair that always made Jotaro smile.
"I do." Jotaro said. There was more talking, until...
"I do." Kakyoin's smile grew wide, tears brimming in his eyes.
After a few moments, Jotaro and Kakyoin held each other in their arms and kissed. Once that kiss happened, Jotaro's life finally felt complete. He finally felt happy.
Jotaro and Kakyoin were finally married.

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