The Prince & The Knight pt 2

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Jotaro cleaned the flowers and dirt off of the redhead prince, then changed him into comfy pajamas. Somehow, Kakyoin was still asleep by the time Jotaro put him in bed. However, when Jotaro was about to leave, he felt something squeeze his hand. He turned to see Kakyoin still asleep and holding onto the guard's hand.
Jotaro gulped and blush spread across his face. Fuck! I shouldn't feel attracted to the prince! That's wrong! Jotaro just stood there, lost and confused. The black-haired guard tried to keep his emotions for Kakyoin out, but they wouldn't leave. Eventually, Jotaro gave in and laid next to Kakyoin.
This is so stupid! What if we get caught?! What will the King and Queen say?! Suddenly, Jotaro felt Kakyoin shift. He looked at the prince to see he had moved his head to rest on Jotaro's arm. Jotaro couldn't help but smile. Soon, the guard drifted off to sleep, laying next to the prince.

When Kakyoin woke up, he felt like he was being stared at, and he was. He sat up to find out that the person who was looking at him was his mother... The Queen.
"M-Mom...?!" Kakyoin said, sitting up. "It's not what it looks like!" Kakyoin was already sweating bullets, and already about to cry.
"Oh, honey, don't cry," the Queen said, then started comforting her son. "It's completely fine if you like him, you should've just told me sooner."
"Wh-What about dad...?" Kakyoin asked.
"I already told him. He's fine with it. Don't worry," she said, then kissed her son's forehead. "Now sleep, and make sure to tell Jotaro how much you love him."

Jotaro plucked his eyes open to see he was alone in bed. Was it just a dream? However, Jotaro was quickly proven wrong when he looked up to see Kakyoin. He was standing by the edge of the bed, holding a note and flowers on his hands. He was even dressed up nice.
"O-Oh! You're awake!" Kakyoin said, surprised.
"Yeah, and what's with all the fancy stuff? Asking someone out?"
"Yes! I, prince Noriaki Kakyoin, am asking the guard, Jotaro Kujo, for a romantic date!" At this, Jotaro laughed.
"That was horrible, but yes. I will go out with the prince." Jotaro said, standing up and going to hug Kakyoin.
"D-Does this mean we're a couple?" Kakyoin asked.
"Only if you're comfortable with that." Jotaro then took one of the lilacs Kakyoin had and put it in the redhead's hair.
"Yes. I would like that." Kakyoin mumbled, smiling.

And then the prince and the knight got married and lived a happily ever after!

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