First Kiss

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Kakyoin and Jotaro were sitting on the school roof. It was late at night, and they had snuck on the roof to watch the stars. They were both sitting on the bench that they eat lunch on. However, they kept scooting closer and closer to each other until they were shoulder-to-shoulder.
"Oh, look Jotaro! We can see Venus from here!" Kakyoin said excitedly, pointing at a dot slightly larger than the surrounding stars.
"Cool. Are there any other planets that you can point out?" Jotaro asked.
"No, but can I tell you a space joke?"
"Mmm... Go ahead."
"Okay... umm," Kakyoin thought for a bit, then came up with a joke. "What's an alien's favorite candy bar?" Kakyoin asked.
"I don't know, what is?"
"A marsbar!" Kakyoin said. After a few seconds, the two teens laughed at the ridiculous joke. Once the laughter died down, there was an awkward silence between the two.
"Hey... um, Kakyoin. Can I show you something better than the stars?" Jotaro asked.
"O-Oh, what is it?" Kakyoin said, looking at his friend. Jotaro then cupped Kakyoin's cheek with his hand and slowly brought his face closer to the redhead's. Surprisingly, Kakyoin did not object. He was also slightly leaning his face close to Jotaro's. Soon, their lips bumped together, and the two boys tilted their heads to make their kiss more comfortable. Once they pulled apart, they were both blushing.
"I-I'm sorry Ka-"
"No, Jotaro," Kakyoin gulped, then lightly touched his lips with his fingers. "It was good..."
"Yeah...!" Kakyoin smiled, blush streaking his face. After a few moments, the two teens held hands, still smiling.
"So... are we a thing now...?" Jotaro asked. Kakyoin nodded, then squeezed his now boyfriend's hand in reassurance.
"Actually... umm," Kakyoin looked away shyly. "C-Can we kiss again...?" Just after Kakyoin said that, Jotaro took Kakyoin's cheeks in his hands and gently kissed his boyfriend.
"I love you, Kakyoin." Jotaro muttered.
"I love you too, Jotaro."

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