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Jotaro and Kakyoin were peacefully snuggling on the couch. They were happy with their life together, and they wouldn't change it one bit. But, Kakyoin was thinking about something.
"I was wondering... maybe we could... have a baby...?" There was a silence.
"Are you sure?" Jotaro looked at Kakyoin.
"Yeah. I'm sure." Kakyoin nodded.
"How though?" Jotaro sat up, looking curious.
"We can ask the Speedwagon Foundation to help. They can probably help." Kakyoin sat up as well, then put his hand on Jotaro's.
"True." Jotaro looked at his husband, then kissed his cheek.

About nine and a half months later, the pair were off to the Speedwagon Foundation to pick up their baby.
"Ooh, Jotaro! I'm so exited!" Kakyoin started rambling on and on about how much them and the baby would spend time together. Jotaro just smiled and listened as he drove. Soon, the two pulled up to the Speedwagon Foundation hospital.
"Alright, here we go." Jotaro and Kakyoin exited the car and made their way inside.

"Okay, we're all set. We just need to get him from his room." The Speedwagon Foundation doctor shut off her computer and left the room. Jotaro was tapping his foot against the tile and Kakyoin was squeezing his husband's hand. After a few agonizing minutes of waiting, the doctor came back in.
"Is that him?" Kakyoin stood quickly and made his way over to the doctor, who nodded and handed Kakyoin the child (Just a note, the child is not Jouta or Jolyne. I'd just thought I'd switch things up). Jotaro joined Kakyoin and smiled. The baby was wrapped in a blue blanket and had a tiny blue hat on his head. There was a small cherry-pink curl of hair poking out of the hat.
"His hair looks like yours." Jotaro commented.
"Yeah, but look at his eyes! They're beautiful, like yours!" Kakyoin and Jotaro laughed.
"What's his name gonna be?"
"Hmm... Maybe, Tarou?"
"That sounds nice." Jotaro kissed his husband and they both smiled. Things were just starting to get better.

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