Two Birds on a Wire

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Jotaro Kujo was walking through the small town of Morioh, when he heard chirping above him. He looked up at the nearby telephone wire and saw two birds. One had black feathers, the other had red feathers. Jotaro studied the two birds, until the red bird took notice of the marine biologist. Jotaro and the bird had a stare off, until the bird flew onto the rim of Jotaro's hat.
The man just stood still, not knowing what to do. After a few moments of just standing there like an idiot, the red bird jumped to Jotaro's shoulder. Jotaro grunted, then just walked on. The bird on his shoulder stayed quiet and just looked around. Jotaro thought it was creepy, but he didn't question the bird's motives.
Soon, the bird started singing a tune. A tune that sounded familiar to Jotaro in some way. Like it had a connection to him. Jotaro listened to the song, then he realized why it was so familiar. On the trip to Egypt, Jotaro couldn't fall asleep. He was rooming with Kakyoin, so the red haired teen sung him to sleep. The song at the bird was singing was the song Kakyoin sung to him. Before Kakyoin died.
"Kakyoin." Jotaro mutters, only loud enough for him to hear. Then, Jotaro felt something soft on his face. The red bird was nuzzling the marine biologist's cheek. Though, before Jotaro could say anything, the bird flew off.
But, the red bird left behind a cherry-colored feather for Jotaro Kujo.

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