Frogs pt 2

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It was 1994. Jotaro and Kakyoin had been dating for a few years, and Jotaro realized it was finally time. Finally time to propose to his lover. So, Jotaro reluctantly asked his mom and grandpa to help set up something.
They got a dinner date at a fancy restaurant. Joseph helped get seats by a large window that lead to the ocean. Jotaro kept the ring safe in his pocket so he could give it to Kakyoin. Soon, the time came when Kakyoin arrived.

"Wow, JoJo, you didn't need to go all out for me." Kakyoin said, looking around.
"Well, you are my boyfriend, and I love you!" Jotaro said, smiling. Kakyoin smiled as well, then took a sip of his water. However, it was almost spat out when the redhead looked at the menu prices.
"JoJo! Are you serious?! This is really expensive!" Kakyoin said, causing a few people to look over. However, that was forgotten when the waiter came over to take their orders.

After about an hour, the two finished their meal. They paid the bill and walked out of the restaurant. Jotaro smiled to himself, thinking of ways to propose to his (hopefully) future husband.
"Jotaro, why are we going towards the fountain?" Kakyoin asked.
"You'll see." Jotaro said. They walked for a bit more, then stopped at a nice spot. Though there was a spread-out crowd of people around the area, it was still a perfect spot.
"So... why are we here...?" Kakyoin asked. Suddenly, Jotaro took both of Kakyoin's hands on his and kissed them sweetly.
"Kakyoin, my love, I have one question for you," Jotaro then kneeled down and slipped a ring on Kakyoin's finger. "Will you marry me?" Kakyoin looked at the ring and saw it was a tiny frog with a even tinnier crown on its head.
"Yes! Of course!" Kakyoin said, hugging Jotaro and tackling him to the ground. The people around them started clapping and cheering for them.


"Hurry up! I wanna see if Jotaro did it!" Polnareff said, shaking Joseph, who was using his Hermit Purple on the television to see if Jotaro was successful.
"Don't rush him, Polnareff." Avdol said, holding Polnareff's hand, who sighed.
"SHH! Look!" Joseph said, pointing to the television. Everyone watched in silence, then started cheering when Kakyoin accepted Jotaro's proposal.


To everyone curious, this is what the ring looks like:

To everyone curious, this is what the ring looks like:

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