Events After

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Beautiful blue skies and tall buildings, with a beautiful beach and amazing people. This is a small town called Morioh, which carried stand users. The radio was blasting music, which signaled that it was time to wake up. Jotaro woke up first, sunlight hurting his eyes. He sat up, then went to go get cereal. He ate peacefully while listening to the weather forecast. It was supposed to be sunny. Jotaro then heard heavy footsteps approaching the kitchen. His boyfriend, Kakyoin, joined him at the table.
"Morning, honey." Jotaro said, smiling while eating his cereal.
"Mornin'." Kakyoin said groggily. Jotaro knew that Kakyoin was not a morning person, so he knew to keep the conversations they had short for the morning. They ate breakfast in mostly silence, Jotaro asking a question or shooting a compliment at the redhead from time to time. Though, they both had to get ready for the day ahead.

The pair walked on the sidewalk, nearing the Café. They were meeting Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi to talk about things. They had nothing to do since Kira is dead, so they tried to have weekly meetings. Though, Jotaro had other plans in mind for this meeting. He fiddled with the emerald ring in his pocket. He wanted — no, needed to propose to Kakyoin.
Before Jotaro knew it, they were already at the Café. Sitting down with the three high schoolers. Still nervously playing with the ring, Jotaro looked at his surroundings to distract him. But, it didn't work. He started to get more nervous.
"Oi, Jotaro, you good?" Josuke's voice snapped Jotaro out of his trance.
"Fine." Jotaro answered. Everyone else at the table quickly picked up the bad aura surrounding the marine biologist.
"Are you sure?" Koichi asked.
"Yes." Jotaro responded. But, he's not fine. He's nervous. He wants to propose, but he can't. Then, Jotaro had an idea. He took a small paper, then wrote; I want to propose to Kakyoin, but I can't. Pass it on to Koichi and Okuyasu. Jotaro folded up the note and secretly passed it to Josuke. The big-haired teen took the note, read it, then passed it to the other high schoolers. Jotaro then felt something cold on his free hand. Kakyoin's fingers intertwined with his, making him feel a bit calmer.
"Oi, Jotaro-San! Why don't we go to the beach?!" Okuyasu said out of the blue.
"Oh, that sounds like a great idea!" Josuke said, then secretly winked at Jotaro. After the wink, Jotaro caught on. He nodded, then stood.
"So I guess we're going?" Kakyoin said, standing as well.

When they finally reached the sandy dunes of the beach, Jotaro suggested him and Kakyoin go on a walk by the shore. Kakyoin agreed, while the three other teens stayed behind. The pair walked along the shore. Kakyoin pointed out shells, tiny bits of coral and clumps of seaweed like it was something entirely new. Jotaro smiled and listened to his boyfriend. Soon, the two men got far enough down the shore where it was private. Perfect. Jotaro then took both of Kakyoin's hands in his.
"Oh - Jotaro!" Kakyoin blushed as Jotaro kissed his hand.
"Kakyoin, I know this may sound weird out of the blue, but I want you to know I love you. You make me feel safe and bring out the best in me. I don't regret any time I spent with you, so please-" Jotaro pulled out the emerald ring, got on one knee, and slipped it onto Kakyoin's finger. "Will you marry me?" Kakyoin looked stunned, but a smile soon creeped onto his face.
"Yes," Kakyoin voice started to get shaky, signaling that he was about to cry. "Yes! I will!" Kakyoin then held onto Jotaro and tackled him to the ground. The redhead artist hugged and kissed the marine biologist in the soft sand.
Happiness soon overtook the couple, and Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi had to retrieve the happy adults.

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