Cops and Robbers

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It was a mall, a big one. Littered with stores, kiosks, and customers. It was even two stories high. Though, an expensive and dazzling place like this easily attracted criminals. Jotaro Kujo worked as mall security. He was informed of a robber breaking in and stealing the most expensive things he could find. That was a month ago.
The robber was still on the loose and robbing the mall almost completely dry basically every night. The majority of the time, it was always the pastry stores and the jewelry stores. Maybe even the video game stores they had on the occasion.
Jotaro thought it was weird that this one person would only rob those three types of stores. Oh well, it didn't matter right now. This was because Jotaro was going to see his favorite person in the mall.
The man worked as a barista in a small coffee shop kiosk. His name was Noriaki Kakyoin, and Jotaro was crushing on him hard. As the man was walking towards the small yet comforting kiosk, Kakyoin noticed him and smiled.
"Hi, Jotaro! I'm almost on my break, so we can hang out then!!" The redhead said as he was so elegantly making a drink for a customer.
"Okay, I'll be waiting." Jotaro said, as lifeless as ever. However, inside he was full of life. He loved Kakyoin a lot, but didn't have the courage to tell him. They have both come out to each other two months after they met, and they were both fine with it. So why was it so hard now?
Jotaro just sighed and took a seat at one of the sitting areas that was provided by the mall. He leaned on the table that was there, then sighed yet again. He stole a glance at Kakyoin, who was talking to one of his coworkers.
Not even a minute after that, the man watched the redhead grab something, then wave goodbye and step out of the kiosk, walking over to Jotaro with a beautiful smile on his face.
"Hey, JoJo! How are you?" Kakyoin asked, sitting down and putting a small bag on the table.
"Eh, could be better, could be worse." Jotaro said, then looked at the bag. Kakyoin smiled, then pulled out two chocolate cake pops. He handed one to Jotaro and had the other for himself. Jotaro smiled and nodded as a thanks, then ate his cake pop in a silent happiness.
Kakyoin quickly ate his, now chewing on the stick of the cake pop. He was on his phone and Jotaro noticed he had a cool phone case with some stickers on them.
"What's that on your phone case?"
"Oh! Just some stickers of frogs. I really like them, heh." Kakyoin answered, a light blush dusting his cheeks and nose.
"Cool." Jotaro remembered that, just in case. The two then talked and talked, until Kakyoin's break was sadly over. They waved goodbye and they were off to continue with their work.

The rest of the day basically flew by. It was already night. Jotaro thought he was going to go home, but his boss ordered him to do the night shift tonight. Oh well, at least he's off tomorrow and gets payed extra.
He was silently patrolling the area, his footsteps echoing throughout the empty and dark mall. Though, the man instantly stopped in his tracks when he heard another pair of footsteps running along. He quickly sprinted after them, not a second thought in mind.
"HEY!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!" Jotaro yelled as the mysterious robber ran up the escalators. Jotaro easily followed suit, catching up to the criminal easily. Though, he was thrown off when the masked man made a sharp turn Jotaro was not expecting. Jotaro just sighed, then continued to pursue the criminal.
Despite the robber thinking he could get away, Jotaro caught up to them quickly. He then grabbed them by the back of their black jacket and pinned them to a wall.
"Now, let's see who you are." Jotaro mumbled, using his free had to slowly lift up the mask of the struggling person.
"No- Stop it!!" They protested, squirming and trying to wriggle out of the strong man's grasp. However, Jotaro had such a tight grip on them that it didn't work.
"Calm down, struggling will only make it worse." Jotaro said sternly. Soon, the robber stopped struggling and accepted their fate. Jotaro then slowly reached out and lifted up the mask that was concealing their face. What he saw underneath was shocking.
He felt his heart stop and drop to his gut, the impact shattering it into millions of pieces. His mouth went as dry as the desert and his eyes went so wide. Under the mask, it was his dear Noriaki Kakyoin.
"K-Kakyoin...?" Jotaro said. The redhead just stared at him too, seemingly as bewildered as he was.
"Jotaro... Hi..." Kakyoin said, trying to act innocent. The two just stared at each other, an awkward silence surrounding them. It was almost suffocating to both of them. Suddenly, Jotaro let go of Kakyoin, seemingly in defeat and or denial.
"Why are you doing this, Kakyoin?" Jotaro questioned, breaking the silence. Those words hurt Kakyoin more than they expected them to.
"Because, I need the money!"
"Why do you need the money?!"
"Because I need to get surgery and I can't afford it!! 7,000 in cash is a lot to cough up and I can't do anything except this!" Kakyoin yelled, his voice echoing in the empty mall. "This was supposed to be the night where I finally got enough money but I guess I can't..." Jotaro examined Kakyoin's face to see if there was any hint of false emotion, but there wasn't.
"I- I'll let you go." Jotaro said as he let go of Kakyoin. The redhead looked confused, then slowly put his mask back on and ran off into the distance. That was the last time Kakyoin ever robbed the mall.

Two months had flown by and Jotaro Js Kakyoin were very awkward with each other. Though, they were starting to warm back up to each other. They put the situation behind and continued on their daily routine of seeing each other.
Kakyoin had gotten his top surgery and he was more lively than ever. Today, the two were sitting in the food court and enjoying some sushi they got. They were talking and laughing like they used to. Though, when Kakyoin's watch beeped, it was time for him to go.
However, what Jotaro wasn't expecting was for Kakyoin to kiss him on the forehead as he left. Easy to say they started dating the next day.

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