Stand Attack

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Noriaki was pacing around the room anxiously. He had gotten a call from the Speedwagon Foundation, stating that his husband Jotaro had gotten attacked by a stand. The people on the phone didn't disclose the effects, as they seemed they were in a rush to handle the situation.
Noriaki sighed, then jumped slightly when he heard a knock at the door. He rushed to go answer it, almost tripping over his own feet. When the redhead answered the door, he was greeted with two employees of the Speedwagon Foundation.
One of them was holding a cat carrier, which most likely had a furious animal inside of it, as it was shaking and rattling occasionally. The second one had two medium-sized bins full of cat supplies. Noriaki shot them both an odd glance.
"What's this for? Where's Jotaro?" Noriaki questioned as the employees gave him the things they had.
"Well, he got attacked by a stand that turned him into an animal, and he got turned into a cat. He should be back to normal within two to seven days, and we've provided everything you need in those bins." Noriaki nodded, then waved goodbye to the two kind employees. He then shut the door and put down everything.
The redhead then studied the cat crate feline Jotaro was safely kept in. Hesitantly, Noriaki opened the crate. Not even a moment later, a black cat with stunning ocean blue eyes walked out. There was a patch of white fur on his shoulder in the shape of a star. Yup. This is definitely Jotaro.
Noriaki looked at the now cat version of his husband, and smiled. Jotaro looked around, getting used to his environment. He then spotted Noriaki, and then waddled up to him. He plopped down right in front of him, and the two stared at each other for a moment. After a few moments, the cat Jotaro was now meowing loudly at Noriaki.
"What do you want from me?" Noriaki questioned, now not being able to understand Jotaro one bit. Jotaro meowed more, then balanced his two front paws on Noriaki's knee while still meowing loudly. Noriaki then realized what Jotaro wanted, then hoisted up the black cat.
"You just wanna be held like a little baby, don't you?" Noriaki teased, petting Jotaro, who was purring loudly and head butting Noriaki's cheek lovingly. The redhead smiled, then walked over to the couch and sat down, holding cat Jotaro close as he purred and comfortably situated himself on Noriaki's chest.

The days flew by and it was already the sixth day. Jotaro had finished his food and was now on the chair next to Noriaki's, meowing loudly and pawing at his arm. Noriaki already knew Jotaro wanted a bite of his tasty pancakes .
"No, JoJo, you can't have this." Noriaki said, pushing Jotaro away, who only meowed louder. Noriaki's sighed, then pushed Jotaro away more. Though, what he didn't expect was for a full human hand to grab his forearm. At that, Noriaki already knew that Jotaro was back to normal.
"I said I wanted some, gimme!" Jotaro said, reaching for Noriaki's food. Noriaki just giggled and gave Jotaro the plate. He smiled and started quickly eating the food.
Noriaki watched him, finally getting a good look at what he looked like. He was clearly naked, the lack of clothes taking the redhead by surprise. He then noticed his husband still had some remaining features of a cat, as he had black cat ears replacing his normal ones, and a fluffy black cat tail on his lower back.
The redhead visibly blushed, hiding his face in his hands. He then heard Jotaro let out a small laugh, and moments later his arms were wrapped around the redheads body.
"You shy, Nori?" Jotaro teased, ruffling the redheads hair. Noriaki just stayed quiet.
"Let's just get you dressed, I don't want you running around the house naked."

Happy April Fool's day!!

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