Hold me Close pt 2

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Two days. Two fucking days Jotaro and the rest of the Crusaders were trying to find a way to wake up Kakyoin. It got to the point where Avdol had decided that it would be a good idea for one designated person to take care of Kakyoin, and lo and behold, that person just happened to be Jotaro. As of now, they were in another hotel room. There was one bed that they had to share. It was hell on earth for the poor teen.
Jotaro knew what he had to do. He knew that he had to kiss Kakyoin, or he would never get to see those pretty violet eyes open again. He sighed, then basically forced himself to look at the cherry-haired man laying right next to him. Laying so close, yet so far away. Jotaro didn't even notice he was lightly biting his bottom lip until it started to sting from the pain.
The ebony haired teen only broke his stare when Kakyoin suddenly started to lightly snore in his sleep. Jotaro sighed, then sat up. He felt as the bed slightly shifted under the sudden change in weight held on it. Ever since Kakyoin had fallen asleep, Jotaro felt as if everything became more "dangerous". Joseph had also commented on how Jotaro seemed to flinch more often. Was Kakyoin  being asleep changing him?
Jotaro then waved the thought away, Kakyoin's slightly obnoxious snoring helping him escape the memory. Though, the snoring soon started to get more louder and annoying as time ticked by. Jotaro grunted, then pinched Kakyoin's nose, effectively stopping the snoring. Though, Jotaro started to feel bad, and let go of Kakyoin's nose.
"What am I doing...?" Jotaro asked, averting his gaze from Kakyoin. He was only getting silence as an answer from the seemingly thick air surrounding him. He ran his fingers through his thick black locks and let out yet another sigh, looking back at the redhead teen next to him yet again.
Just kiss him, you idiot!!
Slowly and carefully, Jotaro leaned down. His lips inching closer and closer to Kakyoin's. It felt like forever until Jotaro's lips were just barely hovering over Kakyoin's. He gulped, muttering a quick apology to be heard by no one in particular. Then, he lowered his lips onto Kakyoin's. The second their lips touched, Jotaro felt his heart swell with happiness. He let his lips linger there for a few more seconds, then quickly sat back up, his gaze not leaving Kakyoin.
Jotaro waited an agonizingly long minute for Kakyoin to come to, but nothing happened. Jotaro frowned, then got up, turning away from Kakyoin's sleeping form.
"Maybe I wasn't the one-" Though, Jotaro was cut off by something pulling him back down into the bed. Suddenly, he was met face-to-face with an awake Kakyoin, his lavender eyes staring at him with a pleading look.
"D-Don't go..." Jotaro barely heard Kakyoin, but nodded anyway. The bigger teen slowly wrapped his arms around the redhead, encasing him in a warm hug. Though, Kakyoin quickly took that as an opportunity to cuddle up to Jotaro.
"Comfortable?" Jotaro asked, starting to rub Kakyoin's back gently and soothingly.
"Yeah... thank you for saving me..." Kakyoin said, voice clearly groggy from his two day long sleep. Jotaro only smiled before giving Kakyoin a kiss on the forehead.
"I'm glad you're awake, I don't know what I'd do without you, Nori..."

Jotakak Oneshots!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat