Standing Love

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Jotaro had a problem. Ever since his best friend, Kakyoin, had recovered from the trip to Egypt, he's been getting odd feelings when he's around the redhead. Though, there was more to the situation. His stand, Star Platinum, was starting to act on its own whenever it was around Kakyoin.
Usually, Star would attempt to touch Kakyoin's hair or hold his hand, but Jotaro somehow noticed before it could happen. However, one day, Jotaro didn't notice Star until it was too late.

It was the middle of class and Jotaro was staring out the window, not paying attention. A few seats in front of him was Kakyoin, who was paying attention. He was taking notes and participating. He's so smart... Jotaro smiled, then continued to stare out the window, taking peeks at Kakyoin.
However, when Jotaro wasn't paying attention, Star Platinum appeared and started making its way towards Kakyoin. Once Star got close to Kakyoin, the stand started touching the redheads hair, which caused Kakyoin to look over at Star. Then, Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, who was oblvious to the situation. Kakyoin sighed, and just let it happen.
Star smiled then continued to pet Kakyoin's hair. Though, instead of feeling annoyed or distracted by it, he actually felt calmer. After a few minutes, Star stopped, then wrapped his arms around Kakyoin, hugging him from the back. Kakyoin couldn't help but smile.
He knew Jotaro didn't know what was going on, as he summoned Star Platinum unconsciously. So, Kakyoin brought out Hierophant Green. The second Star took notice of Hierophant, his face lit up. He released Kakyoin and went to go hug Hierophant, who returned the hug by wrapping his appendages over Star.
The two stands cuddled each other. Even when class finally ended. Though, that's when Jotaro took notice of Star and Hierophant cuddling together. He gulped, then went to go ask Kakyoin about it.
"Oi, Kakyoin!" Jotaro rushed up to his friend, then pointed out Star and Hierophant.
"Star started touching my hair and hugging me so I let out Hierophant. They've been like that ever since." Kakyoin said.
"Huh." Jotaro looked at the two stands and a flicker of a smile appeared on his lips. He wouldn't mind being like that with Kakyoin.

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