Chapter 89

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The next morning, Nurse Nina came in and helped me pump again. I was quite excited at the fact that I was able to produce more milk this morning than I did last night. We were able to go visit our baby and watch her be fed. It was hard seeing her have to eat through a tube, but we were assured that she's doing great and that the tube doesn't hurt her.

Harry packed everything we brought to the hospital and went to put it in the car and when he came back, Doctor Melendez walked in.

"Scarlet, how are you feeling?" she asks.

"I'm still sore, but I'm ready to go home with my baby," I smile at her.

Her face becomes serious. "I would like to tell you guys something. Harry, could you have a seat, please?" Harry walks over to sit next to me on the bed.

"What is it? Is our baby okay?" He asks.

"Yes, Victoria is doing great," she reassures us. "I just wanted to let you know that we need her to stay here for at least two weeks."

My heart falls. "Wait... I can't take her home with me? Why?"

"As you know, she's only 34 weeks, she still needs some medical attention because she's a bit underweight for the weeks she has, and her body does not regulate her temperature yet. We need to monitor her and make sure she gains the necessary weight and that she does not get any infections. She's very fragile, you saw her. She's tiny and needs more attention than full-term newborns," she explains.

"So when can we take her home?" I ask.

"Most times if babies are developing without any complications, they get to go home once they turn 36 weeks. The past two nights Victoria has shown that she's a strong baby and I know she will continue to do amazingly."

Harry rubs his face and runs his fingers through his hair. "Can we come to see her?"

"Of course!" she says. "We encourage parents to spend as much time with their baby as possible when they are in the NICU. You can even come later today to see her and for some skin-to-skin time."

"What can I do? I don't want to just go home and sit around not doing anything while our baby is hooked up to machines," I say.

"You don't have to sit around doing nothing, love. You can pump and bring your milk to Victoria. You're playing a huge role in her development. You can eat healthily and take care of yourself. Keeping yourself healthy will keep your baby healthy and she'll be able to go home in two weeks."

I nod and she keeps explaining other things. I feel like I can't process anything else she says. It tears my heart apart knowing that I will be leaving the hospital without my little girl. That for the next two weeks her room will be empty and that I won't be able to breastfeed her. I've been thinking about doing all of this for months and I can't.

Doctor Melendez gives me one last check-up and tells me I'm ready to go home. We fill out some paperwork with the help of Nurse Nina and then I sit on a wheelchair and she wheels me out of the room and through the hallways of the hospital, and she waits outside with me while Harry brings the car around. I feel empty.

I turn to my left and another woman is waiting for her husband with her baby in her arms. She's smiling at him and whispering sweet words. My heart clenches and I tear my eyes from her, seeing Harry pull up and quickly get out of the car to come and get me.

We say goodbye and thank you to Nurse Nina and let her know that we will be coming back later today.

Harry helps me get in the car and as soon as he's inside, he starts the ignition. Before he drives off, I take one more look at the mother and her baby and I start sobbing. I would sell my soul if it meant I could take my baby home with me. Harry takes my hand and squeezes it gently. I glance his way and see that his eyes are glossy and his nose is red. He's trying so hard to keep the tears from falling and be strong for me.

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