Chapter 50

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After everyone leaves, Harry and I decide to watch some telly in the living room. We cuddle up on the sofa with a blanket over us as we watch a cheesy Rom-Com. However, I cannot bring myself to focus on the movie because my mind starts playing the events from these past days, and I remember something important.

"Shit!" I sit up, almost falling off the edge of the sofa.

Harry sits up behind me with a confused expression. "What's wro-" he begins asking but I run out of the living room and up the stairs. I hear Harry's heavy steps behind me and he calls my name a couple of times. Once inside our bedroom, my head snaps in every direction.

"Scarlet, are you okay? What's wrong?" Harry asks.

"Where's my purse?" I start frantically looking for it while Harry stands in the middle of the room confused.

"Which one? You have many purses," he says with a light chuckle.

I groan. Where the hell is it? "Don't laugh and help me find it. The black purse I had when I was..." I can't bring myself to say it and by the look on Harry's face, I can tell he knows what I mean.

He clears his throat, bringing his fist up to his mouth. "Oh... that one." He walks toward the corner of our room, by the window, and grabs something from behind the curtains. I snatch it from his hand and stick my hand inside the purse, rummaging around trying to feel the thin object. "What are you looking for?"

I groan in exasperation and empty out the contents on the bed. I move them around until I finally find the thin white stick I've been looking for. With a deep breath, I read the results.


I exhale and sit on the corner of the bed, staring at the pregnancy test in my hands.

"Sweetheart, what is it?" Harry's concerned voice pulls me out of my trance.

"I'm not pregnant," I whisper, meeting his eyes. A strange feeling settles in me. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed.

On one hand, I should feel relieved. We aren't ready for a kid, we still have so much to learn from each other. On the other hand, I feel like some part of me wanted to be pregnant.

Harry sits next to me and wraps an arm around me, holding me close to him. "Are you okay?" his eyes study my expression.

"I don't know," I admit. "Did you want a baby? Be honest."

He lets out a deep breath and I wait for his response anxiously. I can't help but feel like I somehow failed him. I know how much he loves kids, I see how he is with Lauren and I can tell he would really love to have a baby soon, even if he doesn't talk about it.

"I do want a baby," he says, "but I know we need some more time for ourselves before we bring a child into this world. And I can wait, Sweetheart. I will wait until you feel completely ready." He places a soft kiss on top of my head, making me smile softly. "I'm in no rush to be a dad. If it happens, it happens."

"Is it normal to feel slightly disappointed?" I ask, not really expecting an answer.

"I suppose," he replies with a slight shrug. We stay quiet for a couple minutes, engulfed in our own thoughts. Not really knowing what else to say. And imagining what our life would've been like had I been pregnant and not ready to take care of my own child. Would we still be the happy couple we are now? Would we fight again? Would it be better? I guess we'll find out when the time comes.


"Thank you, Dr. Levinson. See you next week." I grab my purse and shake the woman's hand before exiting her office. I walk softly to the waiting room, where Harry is sitting with his head leaned against the wall, eyes closed, and arms crossed across his chest.

I approach him and shake his shoulder slightly, startling him a little. He opens his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Hey, sleepyhead," I say with a smile.

"How did it go, Sweetheart? What did the doctor say?" After stretching out his arms, he stands from the chair. I tell him how the appointment went as we exit the clinic.

On our way home, Harry asks if I want to go somewhere to eat, but in all honesty, I don't want to be out in public at all. After everything that happened, our faces have been plastered all over news channels and there's bound to be paparazzi everywhere we go. We were lucky to not see any at the clinic.

"How about we order a pizza and eat at the house? The last thing I want to do is be out in public." Harry agrees, and I call our favourite pizza place to order.

Once we get home, we change into our comfortable pajamas and head downstairs to watch a movie while we eat.

"What would you like to watch?" Harry asks me.

"I kind of feel like watching something scary or suspenseful."

After a couple more minutes of searching for something to watch on Netflix, we ended up picking a movie called 13 Cameras. And let's just say that after watching that movie, Harry and I were pretty freaked out about the security cameras in our home.

"Babe..." Harry's voice rings through the dark bedroom, his breath hitting the back of my neck.


"What if some creepy old dude has seen us fuck through our security cameras?" a chill runs through my spine at the thought of it.

"Ew, Harry, don't even say that! Besides, there are no security cameras in our bedroom," I affirm, however, I'm unsure of my own statement. "Are there?"

A few seconds of silence go by as Harry ponders over my question. His arms tighten around me, and he says, "I don't think so. I wasn't supervising when they were installed."

We decide to change the subject and talk for about an hour, both of us too freaked out to sleep. But at some point, I heard Harry's soft snores and felt him cuddle closer into me, nuzzling his head on my neck. I whispered a soft "goodnight" and closed my eyes.

A/N: Hola my peasants!

Here I leave you with Chapter 50. The final chapter. I'm afraid I will not continue this fanfic because I've run out of ideas. I'm really sorry, and thank you all for the support you've showed 😔💔


It ain't over yet, bitches!

I'm sorry the chapter sucks, I've been having writer's block. BUT I have new ideas that will come in the future 😉

I love y'all so much.

Remember you're all beautiful ❤️

Kissy, peasants 💋

~Amy 🧜🏼‍♀️

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