Chapter 6

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I take one last look in the mirror, making sure my outfit looks good.

"Scarlet," I tell my reflection, "if you want this to work out, you have to start today."

I check my phone and there is a text from Harry.


Goodmorning, Sweetheart. I'm here.

I pick up my backpack, and exit my room. I walk down the stairs, and hurry out of the house. I immediately spot Harry leaning against the passenger door, arms crossed across his chest. Damn, he is hot.

He looks at me, a smirk making its way upom his face. "Goodmorning, Sweetheart," he says in his deep, raspy voice.

"Goodmorning, Harry. How are you?" I ask, smiling.

"I'm good, thank you for asking. You seem to be in a good mood today, Sweetheart."

"Yeah, I guess I am."

"Is there a reason for your good mood?" he asks.

"I just promised myself that I would confront everything with a positive attitude." I shrug. Might as well tell him the truth.

"That's good." he smiles. "Shall we?" He opens the car door for me, and I slide in, thanking him.

He walks around the car, and hops in. "Sweetheart, what do you do in your leisure time?" He asks, randomly.

"Depends on what I feel like doing. I either go out with my friends, or I stay home and watch movies. Other times I go to the gym or go for a run at the park," I say.

"We should go to the gym one day. I'd love to see you work out," I roll my eyes at him, even though he can't see me. "I know you're rolling your eyes at me." Okay, I was wrong.

"How did you know?" I ask, curious as to how he could have seen me if he's so focused on the road.

"You tend to do that when I say something cheeky. Besides, I saw you. You know, peripheral vision," he smirks.

"Oh, of course." I laugh softly. "What about you? What do you do in your spare time?" I question.

"I just go to the gym and train for as long as I can," he shrugs.

"That's all? You don't go out partying with your friends or something?"

"Not really. Not unless I really feel like it."

"So you don't party often?"


"I'm taking you to a party. What are you doing this Saturday?" I ask.

Harry chuckles, shaking his head. "Isn't your graduation on Saturday?"

"Yes, but there's going to be a party later that night," I explain.

"Graduation party?"

"Hmm, yeah. It's also my friend's birthday so it's like a graduation/birthday party. It doesn't matter, it's a party," I say.

"And you want me to go?" He raises an eyebrow.


"I think I have training," he says.

"Can't you cancel it?" I ask him. For some reason, I really want him to go.

"Maybe," he smiles.

"Can you try?"

"Why do you want me to go? I thought you hated me?"

I sigh. It's true, I am supposed to hate him. "You know, it's not that I hate you. Not really. I only hate you when you're an arrogant bastard."

"Arrogant bastard, huh?" He smirks, " I like your honesty, Bennet."

"I'm glad you do, Styles."

"Well, I'll see what I can do. I'll try to cancel my training so I can go to that party with you," he takes my hand in his, rubbing my knuckles with the pad of his thumb.

"Great!" I smile. I check the time on the dashboard, and realise I only have five more minutes to get to my first class. "Thank you for driving me to school, Harry. Uh, I guess I'll see you later today?"

"Of course. I'm picking you up, remember?"

"Yeah, well, um, I'll see you later." I open the car door, and I'm about to step out, when Harry stops me.

"Wait, Scarlet."

"Yes?" Oh my god, I am going to be late.

"Where is my good-bye kiss?"

"Are you serious?" He nods, smirking. I want to wipe that smirk off of his face. "I am not giving you a kiss."

"Come on! At least a little peck on the cheek?" I sigh, leaning forward to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head at the last second and our lips make contact.

"Harry!" I exclaim, backing away.

"What?" He laughs.

"You said on the cheek!"

"Yeah, I changed my mind," he shrugs.

"What the... Gosh!" I step out of his car, slamming the door shut, and start walking toward the school's entrance. I look over my shoulder and see Harry laughing through the windshield of his car. What an arse. Oh, great, now I'm late to my first class. Damn you, Styles.

A/N: Hey, guys!

Okay, I'm really sorry that I am taking forever to update and that my chapters are shit, but I have been really busy applying for universities and scholarships and I've had tons of homework, so I haven't had time to write. I am truly sorry.

Still, I hope you enjoy the story, and I PROMISE it will get good. Pinky promise! *insert me lifting my pinkie*

I love you guys so much.

~Amy 😁

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