Chapter 60

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"What are you doing here?" I ask the blond woman, who eyes me intensely with her blue eyes and perfect makeup.

She neatly places her sunglasses inside their case and shoves it in her purse. Impeccable hair, impeccable clothes. "I am here to see my daughter." She says these words as if they were obvious. As if she was telling me I'm stupid for even asking that question.

"I don't think she feels like speaking to you at the moment. These weeks have been hard for her, Maurine. Extremely hard. The last thing she needs right now is to hear your judgmental remarks." I cross my arms, protectively standing between the woman and the stairs that lead up to the fragile girl hiding in her tower.

"Look, Harry," she sighs. "I know I haven't been the perfect mother. I know I've always been really hard on Scarlet. But my daughter just lost her very first child, and I know this isn't easy for her, or for you."

"Then why didn't you call her before? If you knew this wouldn't be easy on her, why didn't you come by soon after it happened, Maurine?" She looks down, ashamed, I hope. "She's needed you so many times and you've never been there. You've only hurt her over and over with your rejection and indifference."

"I know, Harry. And I'm here to apologize. I've treated Scarlet poorly over the years and I deeply regret it." She fiddles with her fingers, looking around the living room. "Besides, I know what she's going through. I... I lost a child once."

I almost choke on my own spit when these words are out of her mouth.

"I met Scarlet's dad when I was sixteen. He was the sweetest guy in school, and I had a massive crush on him. We became friends and got to know each other and eventually fell in love. I know we were young, but we fell in love. Months later I found out I was pregnant." I raise my eyebrow. Who would've thought the woman of immaculate behaviour and perfectly ironed clothes got pregnant at 16? "I told my parents and well, it did not go so great. My mother wanted me to get an abortion and my father was just about ready to kill Brad. My father spoke to Brad's father and told him he demanded he married me. a couple of months later, I turned seventeen and soon after we got married. We moved into a house together and started our married life. I was four months along when I miscarried and we were absolutely devastated. It took me years to recover and to get the courage to try for another baby."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Maurine." I really don't know what to say. "I just... the way you've treated Scarlet since she was a little girl has no excuse."

Her eyes are brimming with tears and she nods. "I know. The guilt has been eating away at me. Since she left, the house feels empty and dull. And I've been feeling lonely. Monique doesn't come around as much anymore, she doesn't call often, Scarlet doesn't want anything to do with me either. I'm losing both of my daughters."

She sobs and I panic. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to comfort a woman who I've disliked with a passion since the first day I met her. I awkwardly pat her shoulder twice.

"I just want to see Scarlet so I can mend things with her and so I can give her the emotional support she needs. Only I can understand what she's going through." I ponder over her words and can't decide whether to let her walk upstairs or to tell her to come back later.

"Let me go tell her you're here and want to speak to her. I don't think you should just walk in." She nods and I make my way up the stairs.

When I push the door open, I see Scarlet laying on her left side, bed covers pulled all the way up to her chin, and I know she's curled up into a fetal position. I close the door quietly and approach her. She's awake, looking into the distance. Her eyes are red and glossy, tears spill and are absorbed by the pillow.

"Baby," I go to caress her cheek but she turns away from my touch, causing an inferno to burn in my chest. I clear my throat before speaking. "Your mother is in the living room. She wants to come up to see you. She has something to say to you and I think you should really listen to what she has to say."

"I don't want to talk to her," she mumbles, her eyes meet mine for a second, before focusing on the wall behind me.

"Scarlet, please. I really need to talk to you, dear." Our heads shoot toward the entrance of our bedroom. Didn't this woman hear what I said about waiting? Fucking hell!

"What do you want, mother?" Scarlet sits up and leans against the headboard. "Why did you bring her up here?" she asks me.

"I didn't! I told her to wait downstairs while I talked to you." I give Maurine a 'what-the-actual-fuck' look.

Maurine approaches the bed, then sits on the edge. "Dear, he did tell me to wait. I was too impatient, though. I really need to speak to you, please."

Scarlet rests her head on the headboard and closes her eyes, letting out a deep breath. "Fine. Could you give us a moment, Harry? Please?" I nod and attempt to kiss her forehead, but unsurprisingly, she turns away before my lips touch her skin.

Fuck, my marriage is going down the shitter with every second that ticks by.

A/N: Hola my peasants!

So I know this chapter is terrible and super short BUT I had to upload something for my baby's birthday 😭😭

Happy birthday to Harry Styles only ❤️

The picture has noticing to do with the chapter, but I just thought we all needed it in our lives 💕

Also, literally an hour ago I saw this fanfic was at 14.4k, and now it's 14.5k!? I am SHOOKETH!!

5k!? I am SHOOKETH!!

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Kissy, peasants 💋

~Amy 🌷

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