Chapter 65

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The day of the inauguration has come and I could not be happier. The centre is completely ready and beginning today, those who need it will be able to receive therapy at no cost. Harry holds my hand as he drives us to the location, I feel nervous but ready to cut that ribbon and give a little bit of help to anyone who needs it.

The Brad Bennett Mental Health Centre, named after my dad, is surrounded by reporters. Cameras flash everywhere when we arrive and my nerves intensify.

Harry squeezes my hand, reassuringly. "Are you ready, Sweetheart?"

I look at all the cameras and reporters waiting for us to get out of the car and take a deep breath. I've been waiting for this moment for so long and now that it's here, I don't know what to do. "I don't know. I didn't prepare anything. I didn't prepare a speech. What am I going to say?" a knot forms in my throat and I feel my eyes water.

"Hey," Harry cups my face and locks his eyes with mine. "You will do great, baby! Don't stress over it. You don't have to give a long speech, just say that it's open and cut the ribbon. Ignore all the reporters, ignore the cameras. Focus on the fact that you created something that is going to help so many people. That you did this. You made your dream come true and it will be successful. You know a lot of celebrities have already donated money and some of my fellow boxers did too. They support you. I support you. I'm here for you and so is your family, my love. We're here."

His words lift the weight off my chest and I feel like I can breathe again. I press my lips to his, softly. "Thank you, Curly. I'm ready," I say, with a deep breath.

Harry sends a text to the security team and once they're outside the car, we get out.

After some pushes and shoves, we make it to the entrance of the centre, where a large red ribbon sits proudly, with my family and Harry's behind it. Even my mother is here, which makes me very happy. I love that our relationship has completely changed for the better and having her here just makes me feel like I will be okay. Like life is not going to be terrible forever.

Harry guides me to a podium and fixes the microphone to my height. I offer him a grateful smile and he kisses my cheek. I fidget with my hands, nervously. I hate speaking in front of people. One on one conversations I'm totally fine with, but speeches and presentations have always given me anxiety. I just feel like everyone is judging me with every word that falls out of my mouth.

I clear my throat, then speak. "Good morning, everyone." I look down at the podium when I see the cameras flash rapidly. "Um... I didn't prepare a speech, so I apologize. But, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for coming and supporting this project that I have been working on for so long. Of course, this wouldn't have come true without the team that was behind it. Marcus, my brother-in-law, helped me find a great construction company who worked really in making this dream come true."

Cameras keep flashing and my nerves do not cease. I rummage through my brain, trying to find more words to continue this excuse of a speech. "I know that it might seem a bit strange to build something like this. I know rumors were going around on Twitter that I was probably building a modeling academy or something related to it. I wanted to keep this a secret because I didn't know how people would react. Mental health that not everyone is comfortable to talk about. It is still very taboo to a lot of people and this is one of the reasons why I wanted to create this centre. The main reason, however, is that I wanted to create something accessible to everyone. There are so many people out there who need help but are not able to afford it. They cannot afford to go to a hospital and see a psychologist. And I believe it is very important for everyone to have the same chance of getting the help they need." I take a deep breath, trying to calm down a bit. "This is something I feel very passionate about and that is because... because I suffer from depression." This is the first time I say this and to so many people. I know this will circle around in the news and all over social media, but I want people to know that no matter how much money you have, no matter your position, no matter what social class you belong to, everyone can go through these hardships. Everyone can suffer from some kind of mental illness.

"I have gone through so many hard moments in my life and there have been times when I feel like I can't go on anymore. That there is no point in living anymore. But I've had the fortune to have support from people who love me and from amazing therapists. And I want the same opportunities for everyone. I want to destigmatize mental illness and I believe that this centre can be a great start. It's time to leave all those primitive thoughts behind. Once again, thank you all for coming to the inauguration and for the support you're showing." I conclude my "speech" and applause erupts, making me smile and feel extremely proud of myself. "I guess we'll cut the ribbon now," I say.

Harry hands me a pair of silver scissors and says, "go ahead, love."

I place the ribbon between the blades and with a deep breath, I cut the red band. More applause fills the air and my family embraces me, making a smile spread across my face.

Finally, something good is happening.

Marrying a Boxer | H.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon