Chapter 79

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"So when do you get the results?" I ask Harry before he leaves for his match.

He picks up his gym bag. "Tomorrow," he says. "This shit is almost over, Sweetheart." He caresses my cheek gently, then places a kiss on my forehead.

"I know. I love you," I say. "You better win tonight's match."

A smirk appears on his face and he rolls his eyes. "I always win." I shake my head and let out a short laugh. "I love you, baby. You'll watch it on the telly, right?"

"Of course I will, Curly. I'm sorry I can't go, I'm still not feeling good"

"It's alright, my love. It's not going to be a very exciting fight. I bet you I'll knock him out on the first round," he says.

I roll my eyes, "you're so humble."

"I'll see you later tonight, baby. I love you," he kisses my lips then leaves. I close the door after him and walk towards the kitchen.

I see Maura walking out of the kitchen with a mug in her hands. "Oh, Scarlet, I was just coming to find you, love. Here, I made you a cup of tea."

I take the mug from her hands and smile at her. "Thank you, Maura." I blow on the tea before taking a sip, enjoying how the warmth of the liquid travels down my throat.

"How have you been feeling, my darling?" she asks. We walk toward the living room and sit on the sofa.

"Not good. This stress is making me feel like absolute crap."

"I know, darling. You haven't been eating well, dear."

I nod and stay quiet for a few minutes. I place the mug on the coffee table and turn to Maura. "Maura, what do you think the results will be?" I ask her. Although I believe Harry more than I did when I first found out, I can't help but feel nervous about the results. If I hadn't seen the way Charlotte acted when we told her about the paternity test, I would still think Ben is Harry's son.

"I will admit it was a shock when I first heard of it, but I had a strong feeling that woman was lying." She says, looking me in the eye. "I know that Harry used to mess around a lot before he met you, I never approved of it but there was not much I could do or say. However, I do know that he did not want to have children. He would not have risked his career like that, he always assured me he was being safe and told me that a child would only ruin his life."

I fidget with my fingers and nod at her words. "Yeah. I must say that I did have doubts, I think they were mostly dominated by my insecurities and I should have believed Harry from the beginning."

"What made you change your mind, dear?"

"Harry asking me to believe me and the look in his eyes when he would tell me the kid wasn't his. But mostly the way this woman acted when we told her about the test. She got nervous and flustered and started saying that she wouldn't do the test or that she could say no. The worry in her eyes. You should've seen her, Maura. She was very confident at first but once we told her about the test it was like she was regretting something."

Maura shakes her head, letting out a deep sigh. "I don't know what this woman wants, but she's only causing trouble. She's not only hurting you and Harry, but she's hurting her kid as well. God forgive her," she says.

We keep talking for a while longer until Harry's match starts. We watch and cheer when he walks to the ring, looking dangerous and beautiful as ever. He was right, the match wasn't very exciting, and as he said, he knocked out the guy on the first round. Before the fight started, the guy looked like he wanted to run for the hills, he was just a bit shorter than Harry, about the same build, but fear was definitely apparent in his eyes.

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