Chapter 73

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"Thank you for coming with me to the park, Muffin. Marcus couldn't make it, he's been working so much lately. Now that Lauren is walking I can't keep up with her running around the house. Sometimes I can't even find her!" Monique says.

"It's no problem, Moni. You know I love spending time with you and Lauren," I say as we get out of my sister's car and I take Lauren out of her car seat. "Hi, sweetie!"

We walk toward the playground and as we come near it, Lauren squirms in my arms wanting to go play. I put her down and take her hand, she tries to run to the playground. I follow her and help her get on the slide. Since she's still little, I get on the slide with her, sitting her between my legs and holding her hands up as we slide down. Her giggles make my heart jump and make me laugh.

She points to the slide, indicating me that she wants to go on it again. For the next 15 minutes, we play on the slide, then she guides me to the swings. I place her in one of the swings for little kids and gently push her, watching her smile and laugh as the wind plays with her short hair.

I start thinking about how I would've been able play with my baby and I start feeling the urge to cry. Monique approaches me and asks if I'm okay. "I was just thinking about how I would bring my baby to the park in the stroller and walk around and play with him..." my voice breaks.

"Oh, Muffin! I know it's early, but have you and Harry talked about trying again?" she asks.

I shake my head. "No, we just started being intimate again and I don't know if it's too early to try again, how much longer we should wait... it's all very confusing."

"Your therapist hasn't asked about it either?" I shake my head. "Well, I think you two should talk about it. I know I shouldn't give advice about this topic, but I see how you are with Lauren and I see how much you want a baby."

"Yeah... I'll think about it," I say.

After some minutes of silence, Moni says, "Hey, did you know mom started dating someone?"

"Wait, what? She is dating someone? Since when?" these are news to me.

"I think so! The other day I went to her house for lunch and her phone rang, and she got this huge smile on her face and then she excused herself to take the call. I got curious so I followed her and I heard her voice sounded higher. And call me crazy, but from what I researched, a high-pitched voice is a sign that she likes someone," she states.

I laugh at the way she said this. "What do you mean 'research'?"

"I mean that I googled it and read that a high-pitched voice was a sign, okay?" she chuckles. "She hasn't said anything but I have my suspicions. I'm pretty sure she's dating someone."

"Honestly, I never thought that would happen. But if what you're saying is true, I'm glad she's seeing someone. It'll help her move on from the past."

After some hours at the park and getting food, my sister drops me off at home and drives off. I walk inside and hear the t.v. from the living room. As I approach, I see Harry's curls resting on the sofa's armrest, his body spread out and his mouth slightly open.

I smile to myself. He looks so peaceful and adorable. I take the remote from his hand and turn off the television.

"Hey, I was watching that," he mutters, groggily.

"No, you were asleep," I laugh.

"What time is it, Sweetheart?" he sits up, rubbing his eyes.

I look at my watch. "It's 4:43," I say.

"Shit, I'm going to be late." He gets up fast, running his fingers through his curls.

"Where are you going?"

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