Chapter 72

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Today is Harry's day off and he asked me to get ready early since he wants to take me out for breakfast. I don't know where we will be going but it doesn't matter. I just want to be with him. He's been training non-stop for weeks and we barely get to spend any time together. Especially now that I am planning to open another mental health centre.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, not wanting the taxi driver to hear me.

Harry looks at me and smiles. "We're taking a stroll through Portobello Road," he says. "I haven't been there since Leila's death and I used to love going there. It always relaxed me." He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. "I was thinking we could have breakfast in one of my favourite places there and then walk around. How does that sound, Sweetheart?"

"It sounds amazing," I smile and enjoy the rest of the drive to our destination.

Our driver drops us off at a corner of Portobello Road, where there is a line of people waiting for their crepes to be made. I haven't been to this place as many times, only about two or three when my dad was alive. He would bring me and Moni here every Saturday and buy us a crepe and flowers.

Harry pays the driver and guides me through the crowd to the little café called Bluebelles of Portobello. We take a seat on one of the tables outside and minutes later a waiter brings us the menus and asks what we would like to drink.

As we look at the menus, I hear Harry sigh. I look up at him and see his eyes wandering around our surroundings. "Everything okay, love?" I ask.

"Yes," he smiles. "It's just the memories are flowing through my mind. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic and very happy that I get to make new memories with you."

I smile back at him and feel my heart tug at his words. "Did you and Leila come here often?" I ask.

"I brought her here for our first date," he nods. "After that, we did try to come as much as we could. Is it weird that I brought you here?" he asks.

"Not at all, babe. You know, I've only been to Portobello about three times in my life. My dad used to bring me and my sister every Saturday morning. We'd get crepes and flowers, but other than that, I don't remember much. I was very young." He smiles, I can tell he's picturing what I'm saying. Picturing a little me walking around with a Nutella and strawberry crepe in one hand, and a small bouquet of ranunculus and peonies, Nutella smeared on the corners of my lips.

After we are done with our breakfast, Harry pays and we walk down the street. My attention is occupied with the many stalls. I see a stall where they have colourful scarves, another one where they have handmade jewelry, on one they have many cute souvenirs. I stop by a stall that has pretty rings, necklaces, and bracelets laid out on a table. My eyes wander through the rings and stop on a ring band with tiny rhinestones all over it, making it sparkle beautifully even in the cloudy day.

"Which one do you like, Sweetheart?" Harry asks, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I point at the one that I like, making sure not to touch it because there was a sign. "It's very pretty."

The lady who owns the stall approaches us smiling and says, "do you like that one, love?"

"I do, how much is it?" I ask.

"It's £25, but I can give it to you for £20. I actually have a matching bracelet for that ring," she says, leaning over the table and taking a thin bracelet in her hand. "I'll give you both for £35," she offers.

Harry reaches into his back pocket and pulls out his wallet. "We'll take them," he says with a small smile, handing her the money. She places the ring and bracelet in a little bag and hands it to me.

We thank her and walk a few steps away, before pausing again. I open the bag and place the ring and bracelet on the palm of my hand. Harry takes the items from me and slides the ring into the middle finger on my right hand, then helps me with the bracelet. "Thank you, babe," I say, kissing his lips softly.

"Anything for my queen," he says, caressing my cheek. My cheeks turn red and I try to suppress a smile.

We continue walking through the crowd and stop various times in different stalls, go inside cute, small shops and bookstores.

"Do you have space for dessert?" Harry asks, stopping by a crepe stand. I nod, excitedly, and we order our crepes. I get a strawberry and Nutella one, Harry gets banana and Nutella. As I take a bite, my mind is flooded by the memories of my childhood. I try not to think about it too much and distract myself by looking at the many people shopping in different stalls. I'm amazed at how many people shop for fruits and vegetables here, and I am tempted to buy some of these goods. We get to a corner of the street where a lady is selling flowers. Harry turns to look at me and smiles. "Pick some flowers, Sweetheart."

The sweet lady shows me the different flowers she has and says she can arrange them in a bouquet if I would like. I pick six tulips and six peonies. The lady arranges them beautifully, wrapping them in decorative paper and adding a cute bow. Harry pays her and as we walk away, I feel overwhelmed. I love that he is trying to bring back the moments I shared with my dad. He's making me relive those moments and I cannot thank him enough. Getting a crepe and flowers on a Saturday was a distant memory, one I did not think about too much. A memory I probably would have forgotten about, had Harry not brought me here today.

We decided to get an Uber to take us home when the rain came down. I felt myself drifting off to sleep during the drive and once we were home, Harry gently woke me up.

Once inside the house, we had dinner early and went to our room after, feeling tired after a day out and about. I place my bouquet on my bedside table, deciding to look for a vase tomorrow.

Harry takes his shirt off and places it over a chair. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his torso. I look up at him and smile. "Curly, I just want to say thank you. I had a great day. Thank you for bringing back memories I'd forgotten about and for giving me new ones. You're the greatest husband anyone could ever have. I love you so much."

"I love you with all my heart, Sweetheart. I just want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. You're my everything, Scarlet."

Marrying a Boxer | H.S.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant