Chapter 56

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"Good morning," the tall brunette doctor says as she steps inside the room. "I'm doctor Melendez." She shakes our hands with a smile.

"Good morning, I'm Scarlet and this is my husband Harry."

"Are you two ready to see your baby for the first time?" she asks, sliding on a pair of latex gloves.

We nod excitedly. She instructs me to lay on the bed and lift my shirt up a little. "This is going to be a little cold." She applies cold gel on my abdomen and I gasp at the temperature of it.

I turn to the screen displaying a black and white image. Doctor Melendez moves the transducer around my abdomen and stops once a tiny spot appears on the screen. "There is your baby," she smiles.

"Oh my god," I whisper softly, feeling my breath hitch. Harry presses his lips on my forehead in a tender kiss. A few tears escape my eyes as I look at my baby on the screen.

"That's our baby, Sweetheart," Harry says, tenderly. I turn to look at him and see his watery eyes. I caress his cheek, turning back to look at the tiny baby.

"Would you like to listen to the heartbeat?" we nod, excitedly. Doctor Melendez pushes a button and we hear a fast noise that resembles a galloping horse.

"Is it supposed to be that fast?" I ask, worriedly.

"Yes, there's no need to worry, dear. It needs to keep the blood pumping, that is why it's so fast." I let out a breath of relief. "Now, Mrs. Scarlet, I can see here that you are about eight weeks along. And your baby is around .04 ounces and 1.6 centimetres. Pretty much the size of a raspberry."

She hands me a paper towel and I wipe the gel off my abdomen. Doctor Melendez prints the images and gives them to us.

She talks to us about the baby, when I should come for my next appointment, and about the vitamins I should be taking throughout the pregnancy. She also let me know that I could get cramping or spotting as well as morning sickness and sore breasts. I asked her more about the cramping and she said that if they get severe, I should contact her, but that it's normal to get cramps this early in the pregnancy.

We thank her, shake her hand and leave after she tells me where to pick up my vitamins.

Once we're inside the car, we sit in silence for a few minutes looking at the ultrasound images, at the tiny spot in the middle of the image. Our little raspberry. Our baby.

"I seriously can't believe we're going to be parents. There's a tiny human growing inside you, Sweetheart." Harry whispers with a smile on his lips.

I place my hand on my abdomen as I continue to look at the image. When I first saw our baby on the screen, I felt my heart double in size. I know it sounds cliché, all pregnant women say this. But now that I am experiencing it, I can say it is all true. I am filled with so much love and happiness that I think I could explode. It seems like my life is finally going in the right direction. I have a husband that I love, an amazing family, a great project in the works, and now I will start my own little family with Harry and our dog Teddy. I have it all. The only thing I would ask for is a better relationship with my mother, but that will develop with time. Hopefully.

When we arrive home, Maura cheerfully greets us at the entrance. We told her the news the exact same day we found out I was pregnant and she was beyond happy for us. That same day we told our family, everyone was ecstatic and came over to congratulate us in person. Except for my mother. Though she did express her happiness through the phone.

"Oh, I can't believe it still! I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am for the two of you," Maura says with teary eyes and a smile as she hugs us. "Scarlet, whenever you get cravings, let me know, dear. I will make sure you and your baby get it, but I will also make sure you eat healthily!"

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