Chapter 54

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"How about this one?" Moni points at a beautiful ball gown dress with tiny Swarovski crystals on the bodice.

"It's beautiful," I say. "But I think it's too much. It's just going to be a small wedding, Moni. We were actually planning on doing it in the backyard. It's very spacious and we don't plan on inviting a lot of people. Just close family and friends."

Moni nods and smiles, flipping the pages of the catalog. Gemma comes running in, holding more wedding catalogs close to her chest. She lets them fall in front of us and grabs a thick book, quickly finding a page and holding it up for us to see. "So, mum and I were paging through tons of catalogs, trying to find flower arrangements that fit your likes and Harry's. We were also thinking that we could have hanging flowers, like in Twilight! These are some of the flowers we found and thought were quite fitting." 

I take the catalog from her hands and look at the flowers they marked. A variety of small dainty flowers, ranunculus, peonies, roses, and lilies. "I kind of want a bouquet with ranunculus and roses. And I like that Twilight flower idea. And then we can also have those little lights hanging."

"Have you guys decided on who you're going to invite?" Moni asks and she keeps looking at wedding dresses.

"Besides our families, we haven't really talked about it. Harry has been training a lot, so when he gets home we just have dinner and go to bed. We actually haven't done much of the planning for the wedding, as you can see." My sister and Gemma laugh.

After about two more hours of paging through countless catalogs, Moni and Gemma leave. I go into the office and check my email, checking if there are any updates on the construction of the centre. The past two weeks, I've been working on getting the permits needed to begin construction. I never thought so much paperwork was needed but turns out you need to get approval from god-knows how many inspectors. Thankfully, all that is finalized, I got all the approval I needed, and construction has started.

I pour myself a glass of wine and walk up to the bedroom, bringing along some wedding catalogs.

The dresses that have caught my attention are much different from my first dress. I mean, I love big, puffy, princess dresses but this wedding will be a lot simpler than the first one. I won't be needing a huge dress, so I've been looking at flowy A-line dresses.

As I sip on my wine and page through these books, my eyelids start getting heavy. I place the glass of pink liquid on the bedside table and push the catalogs to the end of the bed. My head snuggles on the pillow and I let sleep wrap me in its warm embrace.

I find myself walking down an endless hallway, holding a chamberstick with a thin candle that provides almost no lighting. I have no idea why I'm here and I feel a seed of panic plant itself in my chest. The air seems to thicken and it's getting harder to breathe. My bare feet guide me forward, not giving up. The ground is cold and wet.

The puny flame frustrates me, I squint my eyes and try to get a better look of this place. This doesn't appear to be a hallway from a house, it looks more like a secret passage. Tiny beads of sweat form on my forehead and on the back of my neck. I am wearing a vintage nightgown, the fabric is thick and it clings to my sweaty body. This passage is damp and the heat in here does not help my situation.

The stone walls start closing up on me. At first, I think it's just my imagination, but the rumbling sound makes me realize that this is really happening. The seed of panic has flourished into a whole garden now. I start running as fast as I can, my hand pushes the stone walls in hopes that a secret door will open like in the movies.

My lungs burn and my legs scream at me to stop and take a break, but I push through the pain and continue running. The walls are closing up faster now. Tears roll down my cheeks. Desperate, I push harder on the walls. I let out a scream when I step on what feels like a rock, the pain shoots up my leg and I fall. The chamberstick clashes on the ground, extinguishing the stupid flame.

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